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Reviews (7,539)


Community - Asian Population Studies (2011) (episode) 

English The silver lining this time around was that I didn't feel the need to give zero stars — the episode edged a bit better than the last one. Humor was still in short supply, and the jokes were mostly on the weird side. To add to the mix, there was a moral lesson, which somehow managed to make the whole situation even less enjoyable. / Lesson learned: Decomposing corpses definitely don't belong in the river.


The Offer - It's Who We Are (2022) (episode) 

English I'm all for equal pay and don't get why there's still a gender wage gap, but the constant push for women's rights in movies and TV shows can be a bit much sometimes. If only it could be more subtle. Anyway, aside from the unfortunate plane scene, I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. The creators shifted focus from organized crime to studio problems, and I'm not complaining about the change. Once again, I was fully immersed in the plot, enjoying every moment. Another episode that easily earned a full five stars. / Lesson learned: You can respect your enemy. In fact, you should.


Jackie Brown (1997) 

English It's a bit horrifying that it took me this long to share my thoughts on this almost quarter-century-old movie (a classic, actually). So, I treated myself to a rewatch today, and I'm even more convinced that I genuinely admire Quentin Tarantino, even if this film doesn't fit the typical Tarantino mold for me. The story's pace was notably slow; I didn't notice any final acceleration, and there was a lack of those sudden bursts of unrestrained violence. All that remained were your classic plotting, counter-plotting, intrigue, and manipulation. Now, that might sound like criticism, but it's not. On the contrary, I've got to give props to this film. The slow pace didn't dampen my overall impression at all. The occasional killing in this calm atmosphere had a real impact, and even though it ran for more than two hours, I didn't find a dull moment. / Lesson learned: Don't mess with a sweaty Italian.


Community - Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas (2010) (episode) Boo!

English Okay, the creators officially pushed me to my breaking point and made me award a zero-star rating. This episode went for animation (for reasons I can't fathom) and a bunch of things that just aren't my cup of tea: Christmas clichés, drama instead of humor, songs, and a hefty dose of associated claptrap. Usually, holiday episodes of sitcoms are gold, but it looks like Community might be the exception that proves the rule. / Lesson learned: If you ever feel like you're an animated character, you might want to stop doing drugs.


Community - Mixology Certification (2010) (episode) 

English The tenth episode kicked off with some promising vibes, making it seem like it was about to unfold a storyline that could really grab my attention. The letdown was real, though, as the creators went for annoying moralizing, lectures, and explaining the only right way instead of actually writing some good jokes. / Lesson learned: Birthday parties are overrated.


Community - Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design (2010) (episode) 

English Well, what do you know? The creators managed to write an episode that I had fun watching for the second time this season. Admittedly, the plot veered completely off the main storyline — it was pretty much a dead-end. Yet, you had to enter this dead-end through a fortress constructed out of blankets, all the while getting shot at by fake guns. Assuming they were fake. And was there even a dead-end? Who knows? Heck, maybe this episode doesn't even exist. / Lesson learned: Embracing conspiracy theories can be quite fun.


Choke (2008) 

English It started off like your typical, breezy American comedy, so I was mentally prepared for cringe jokes and a plot I could see coming from a mile away. But the outcome was nothing like what I expected. While it didn't hit the "amazing" mark, this movie landed some laughs because the humor was spot-on. The creators even managed to weave in some drama, turning what I thought was just another simple comedy into something with a deeper level. I'm a fan of Sam Rockwell, and my current rewatch of Community definitely added to the enjoyment, especially with Gillian Jacobs playing a role. And let's not forget the invaluable contribution to skin cancer prevention — thanks to a simple piece of advice, many blondes can significantly boost their defenses against this sneaky disease. In the end, what I anticipated as a laid-back comedy turned out to have depth, proving I jumped the gun in my judgment. I acknowledge my mistake by awarding four stars. / Lesson learned: Don't let your past hold you back.


The Offer - Crossing That Line (2022) (episode) 

English I get it, the creators used Betty as a nod to strong, proud women, and so far, I've been cool with her — especially with Juno Temple rocking the role. But in this episode, they kinda overplayed it, with moments that felt a bit forced. Just throwing that out there, so I don't seem too uncritical since I consistently give the series high ratings, as if I was getting paid for it. This show has definitely got me hooked. / Lesson learned: Sometimes, wishes do come true.


Community - Cooperative Calligraphy (2010) (episode) 

English Even though it was just another run-of-the-mill episode, it turned out slightly better for me than the previous one. It revolved around a low-budget search for a gel grip pen, and I enjoyed it more than the previous trampoline adventure. The crucial takeaway is that I finally found out something more about the situation around Annie's Boobs. / Lesson learned: Always look under the plaster.


Community - Aerodynamics of Gender (2010) (episode) 

English Watching the second season feels like the creators are on a mission to drown me. Last time, I managed to come up for air momentarily, catch my breath, but now I'm attempting to grow gills again because this episode offered little humor, except for the saving grace of the great Abed and the racist gardener. Instead, it went heavy on the moralizing again, and honestly, I'm just tired of it. / Lesson learned: Become a menace.