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Reviews (10,817)


Night of the Howling Beast (1975) 

English Night of the Howling Beast is a beautiful example of a certain horror naivety with which films were sometimes made. The fight scenes are rather laughable, although the actors clearly tried their best. It's a similar story with the masks, but the whole thing still has such a strangely beautiful atmosphere, and you can see the effort and that the filmmakers enjoyed making the film. It rubbed off on me and I had fun with it.


Land of Smiles (2017) 

English To be honest, I didn't really care what happened to the characters in Land of Smiles. It's as if the filmmakers couldn't come up with even one that could engage you and make you want to finish watching the film. There are no big surprises. Honestly, the clowns seem to just be shoved in there and feel out of place. This was a failure, which is tragic given the interesting setting.


The Dark Half (1993) 

English I think The Dark Half is one of Romero's underrated horror films because he managed to adapt King's novel very well. It has its own elements, but the basic foundation is the same and the story is simply good. Timothy Hutton deserves praise for how well he portrayed the two main protagonists, both the good guy and the bad guy, and he constantly makes you feel like you don't know where you stand even with Thad.


Isle of the Dead (2016) 

English I found the American B-movie Isle of the Dead to be a pretty solid piece of work that wants to be nothing more than an action film with horror elements. There are zombies doing their part and there are people fighting for their lives. This works, and it doesn't matter that it has that B-movie look, because it simply fits. You won't get anything more out of it, but in my opinion, that doesn't matter at all.


Wind Walkers (2015) 

English I can't help but find Wind Walkers very bland. The actors put in a good effort in tense moments, they are believable, but it's as if they have nothing else to do and as if the viewer has nothing to watch in the end. The is simply too simple, too uninteresting, too transparent, and there's really nothing at all to pull you in.


Hunchback of the Morgue (1973) 

English Yes indeed, Hunchback of the Morgue is really a combination of Frankenstein and The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but it has that retro horror-historical vibe that I find quite fitting. Moreover, the Spanish women are beautiful, and the masks are not bad either, although they don't really excel. Overall, a good film that pleased me with its concept.


Victor Crowley (2017) 

English The American horror Victor Crowley is, in my opinion, a downfall in the franchise and it doesn't help that Adam Green has some traditionally good masks and gore. Yet this time I didn't find the gore to be very imaginative and it felt more like the film was treading water. As nice as it is that Green chose to conceptualize the film in static terms, it's really just a matter of killing sitting ducks, which is as boring as the rest of the film.


The Most Dangerous Game (1932) 

English The Most Dangerous Game must not be treated as something that is really old and can no longer impress viewers today. On the contrary. I think that some of the scenes were shot in a way that the filmmakers would not be able to do today. Yes, today it would be more hectic and faster, but this effect would not be achieved. The film is not much of a horror, but I definitely consider it very good.


The Channel (2016) 

English The Channel is a weak ghost movie that is terribly dragged down by the performances, as they manage to kill any atmosphere the film might have had. In the end, it has none, and the occasional ghost appearance isn't worth much, though admittedly it's not downright badly – digitally – executed. The Channel simply doesn't deserve any further celebration.


Hack Job (2011) 

English Hack Job is definitely not for everyone, but I can imagine that the filmmakers had a decent amount of fun with the film. Why not? This carried over into the film a bit, but it certainly can't be said to have helped it significantly. Watch Hack Job for the first few minutes and I think you'll know right away if this is something for you or not. I wasn’t for me, but maybe you're the right blood type.