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She Came at Night

RUSSELLShe Came at Night(2023) 

English Home invasion, Czech style! The theme and scenarios are so universal that everyone can relate to them on some level. It's a highly entertaining yet equally unsettling film.

The Owners

RUSSELLThe Owners(2019) 

English This film's attempt at depth ended up digging a shallow grave for its own ambitions. Even on a second viewing, it failed to convince me it was anything more than a showcase of robotic caricatures following a preset script. I could have tolerated this if the film compensated with humor, but instead, it offers tedious chatter where almost every character sticks to their running gag and nothing more.

The Watermill Princess 2

RUSSELLThe Watermill Princess 2(2000) Boo!

English If I were sent to hell where I'd be tortured with one film on a loop, I'm absolutely certain that film would be The Watermill Princess 2. The trio of Ševčík, Blanarovičová, and Zindulka deliver such excruciatingly over-the-top performances that it's the cinematic equivalent of waterboarding. This is Zdeněk Troška's magnum opus of monstrosity!

Párty Hárder: Summer Massacre

RUSSELLPárty Hárder: Summer Massacre(2022) 

English Marty Pohl has taken his filmography up a notch, slowly but surely making his way into mainstream distribution without compromising his style. For that, he has my utmost respect and best wishes for massive success so he can continue pushing his craft forward. Party Harder: Summer Massacre is a proper film in every sense, with a more deliberate pace and a well-thought-out script compared to the fast-paced hour of Party Hard. Every joke lands, and many funny moments get an extra twist. The standout element is the character development of Poulíček, who undergoes the most significant transformation, perfectly complementing the main duo from the first film. Amid all the raunchy humor and swearing, there's a focus on genuine friendship that feels authentic and believable. I might have expected even more over-the-top moments, but Marty wisely chose to focus on story cohesion rather than just piling on the absurdity and vulgarity, which ultimately benefits the film. I’m rooting for Marty to establish himself as a director just as strongly as he has as Řezník. The Czech music scene needs someone to stir things up from time to time, and the Czech film industry needs it even more.

Inside Out 2

JeoffreyInside Out 2(2024) 

English Just like the first one, Inside Out 2 is an engaging and cleverly written animated film that makes great use of its fascinating setting. While part of the story feels like a variation of what we’ve already seen, the way the main character evolves brings a fresh twist, and there are still plenty of surprises. New emotions are introduced, causing quite a bit of chaos in the head, as is typical with puberty, but none of them stood out to me as particularly compelling — I still prefer the original ones. The humor didn't hit the mark for me this time; I only found myself laughing once or twice. However, the imaginative depiction of our inner world captivated me, and I enjoyed seeing how everything worked. The animation is top-notch, and the music is great too. Overall, Inside Out 2 earns a 7.5/10 from me.

12 Monkeys

EvilPhoEniX12 Monkeys(1995) 

English Imaginative, smart, engaging, dark, and very entertaining; one of the most interesting, perhaps even the best, time travel sci-fi fils ever made. It works as both a science fiction and a great and suspenseful thriller. Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt give excellent performances. Solid film. 80%.

Shallow Grave

EvilPhoEniXShallow Grave(1994) 

English Shallow Grave is exactly the type of thriller I'm not too fond of, and there are plenty of them made on this subject, but I have to say in Danny Boyle's rendition this one worked very well for me! A hell of a black-humoured, energetic and suspenseful ride from start to finish! I had a lot more fun than I did with A Simple Plan. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.75%

Nurse 3D

EvilPhoEniXNurse 3D(2013) 

English Good for me. Very satirical, bold, suspenseful and solidly bloody towards the end. The nurse was very seductive and just plain sexy. Nurse 3D is a terribly silly and cliched horror B-movie, but a very modern and entertaining one for that. 65%.

The Human Race

EvilPhoEniXThe Human Race(2013) 

English This didn't go so well. The Human Race suffers from a very low budget and a look that is like something out of the 90s. Fortunately, you get too bored, there is always something going on, but it's pretty unsatisfying and I'm not happy with the gore, which is poorly handled and I'd rather not have seen it. The final twist does have something to it, but I still have a lot of unanswered questions. 40%.

The Wolf of Wall Street

EvilPhoEniXThe Wolf of Wall Street(2013) 

English I really didn't expect such a three-hour adrenaline-pumping, biographical ride! Even though I don't like Scorsese, he makes films I avoid like the devil, so I bow down to him for this one. Directed with great talent, energy and an incredible script that has depth and features a lot of funny lines. Drug abuse, wealth, greed, and a handful of colorful characters all mixed into a Scorsese cocktail that will make you want to see this film again and again! 100%



English A very good thriller! The film has lots of thrills and quick turns. A classic child kidnapping plot with a very clever and interesting set-up where Mel Gibson gives the kidnapper a solid "fuck you". It doesn’t top Payback, but it’s a thriller worth watching for sure.



English Great Thriller!! I'm very puzzled by the poor rating on IMDB (only 6.4), because this film is excellent in all respects. Nicolas Cage was still in form, an excellent script concerning a very dark plot, a look into the underworld of porn (snuff!) and great twists. Perfect in every way, can't fault it. 95%



English A three-hour gem full of star actors! Few people can make a film that is so kinetic, energetic, desperate, riveting, blunt and brilliant with such a simple story. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Val Kilmer give perhaps the best acting performances of their careers. However, it is disappointing to see a very overlong running time and insufficient space for the female cast – Ashley Judd and little Natalie Portman – but I am satisfied. A solid olds-chool flick. 80%.

House of Flying Daggers

EvilPhoEniXHouse of Flying Daggers(2004) 

English At first I was scared of this film, but unnecessarily so. Without a doubt, Hollywood fell flat with me because this film showed a whole new, novel visual and technical side that took my breath away throughout the entire runtime. Not only is the film beautiful to watch, but it also features three surprising and unpredictable twists. An impressive experience. 80%.

Mr 73

EvilPhoEniXMr 73(2008) 

English The French have done it again. MR 73 is one of the grittiest crime dramas I've ever seen. This film is about honour! An homage to the torture, the courage, and the lives of the people the film is based on. The biggest highlight is definitely the birth at the end, which convinced me that I never wanted to see one with my own eyes in my life.



English A very enjoyable and entertaining little thriller with a great cast. The film isn't afraid of nudity, it's abundantly present and there's also lesbian sex. We don't get too much thriller suspense, but there are enough uncomfortable chills and thrills. I had a great time. 75%.

Blood Ties

EvilPhoEniXBlood Ties(2009) 

English A solid film, the only thing that bothered me were the numerous flashbacks, but otherwise it is a proper revenge flick featuring a 13 year old girl who takes out all her opponents. Decent fun. 70%

The Funhouse

EvilPhoEniXThe Funhouse(1981) 

English A very entertaining teen slasher in a very attractive location: a fairground or more precisely a haunted castle. Although there is no gore at all, we are treated to a great atmosphere and an excellent villain who has a perfect mask for his time. Tobe Hooper stumbled a bit with this.

A Bay of Blood

EvilPhoEniXA Bay of Blood(1971) 

English An incredibly convoluted and smart horror film! The gore scenes and the visual effects effects were unfortunately weak, very unsatisfying for today, but what manages to captivate is the fictional intricacies between the characters, with victims becoming murderers and such. The twists and turns and the plot are great, but as far as the horror aspect is concerned, it's rather below average. 50%

The Hunger

EvilPhoEniXThe Hunger(1983) 

English Tony Scott's worst movie. I didn't like this artsy, boring little tale at all. The film is relatively short, but it struck me as uninteresting and long due to its indulgent nature: unscary, unfunny, uninteresting characters, and boring.
