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Reviews (3,462)


Fasten Your Seatbelts (2014) 

English The Italians have a weird way of expressing their feelings. Plus, the main character was way too rough and sexist. But since it is a film which goes through some time horizons and offers not only the joys, but also the sorrows of life, it tried to get my attention through sadness, and it did not really work that well. Especially since after all of that it just seemed too artificial to me.


Into the White (2012) 

English I can imagine why they pretty much ignored this movie in the USA. The film offers a classical European deeply felt theme, which is mostly typical of us Europeans. In other words, it is a war story about the absurdity of war and it’s not the first, nor the last story like this. For example, a Russian movie The Cuckoo did something similar and it was also really nice to watch, same as Into the White. All in all, it was a pretty similar movie, which certainly does not hurt. This film also deserved the five stars. Stories like this should be carved into everyone’s memory. You never know when it may come in handy.


Spy (2015) 

English There are comedies and then there are comedies. Then nothing for a long time. And then there are movies that perfectly fit the soul of the specific viewer and entertain them so much that they spend the following week with a smile so big that it is able to piss some people off. The Spy is exactly that. Melissa McCarthy enjoys her classic comedic pose. Rose Byrne for a change thrives in the role of the usual dressed-up bitch. Jude Law plays the typical copy of the elegant James Bond. If you know Miranda Hart, you know exactly what to expect… Miranda. And Jason Statham… He shows off like in no other movie. While he is rather a minor character, never before have I experienced the feeling that I wanted to see him in every scene possible. Every time he showed up, he kept uttering one brutal catchphrase after another. I was expecting a lot of things, but not this. And the best part is that although the film takes place all over Europe, it did not let me relax for a single second.


R.I.P.D. - Rest in Peace Department (2013) 

English Sometimes in America they manage to shoot a film which is an obvious bullshit since the beginning. Ryan Reynolds can consider himself lucky that he was saved by Deadpool, because after this movie and Green Lantern I would have otherwise considered him the worst fantasy blunderer of Hollywood. Which almost happened. If not for the one good character, portrayed by Jeff Bridges, which is an example of the typical inadaptable characters, I would rate this movie even lower. Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Bacon played real dumbasses and it was really hard to just get used to it in that hour and a half.


Double Indemnity (1944) 

English I was always interested in the film noir genre from the war period. I have enjoyed it mostly in the American detective and crime movies from the nineties, which were referencing that time. But when I really started watching something like that, I did not find in it what I’ve always imagined. And most of all, I lacked anything that would resemble the mystique and the atmosphere connected to it.


My Lost Valentine (2011) (TV movie) 

English The reviewer NinadeL said it perfectly. A typical Hallmark Channel. But a movie, which makes the women cry, but also light up, is somehow sarcastically dissed by the men with the notion that if it was only a little bit sweeter, it would be possibly the first film which would make a guy die of a sudden diabetes while watching it.


The Lobster (2015) 

English A typical Greece of our time. Incredibly weird with a crazy storyline, precise acting and amazing scenery. But it completely lacked emotions.


Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 

English I would say that this time the authors put together the best they could and were so full of confidence that they put the best of their time into a family drama, which ends in a trial, which is something I really hate. Luckily, the result is not so bad and that is mostly because Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep show their usual maximum.


Jason and the Argonauts (1963) 

English I think I have many films and fairytales connected to my childhood. But it’s probably the most apparent with this Greek epopee, which always charmed me with the beautiful tricks which surpass even the modern digital effects.


The Last Emperor (1987) 

English Tune into the epic wave of an epic period movie from the time of the last Chinese dynasty and you will be excited. Films like this one are rare nowadays.