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Reviews (7,559)


IT Crowd - Are We Not Men? (2008) (episode) 

English While the first episode of this season left me a bit disappointed, the second one totally won me over. Admittedly, I'll never be a man enough to discuss yesterday's Premier League events with a genuine Cockney accent (East End speak isn't my forte, and my interest waned when legends like Ruud van Nistelrooy left while prima donnas like Cristiano Ronaldo and Arjen Robben emerged). Losing two hundred pounds in a poker night isn't my style, and heists aren't my thing either. But I thoroughly enjoyed watching Moss and Roy navigate through all of that, and the talentless magician was just the icing on the cake. / Lesson learned: You can bluff your way through almost anything – there are even manuals for that.


IT Crowd - From Hell (2008) (episode) 

English Okay, the kick-off to the fourth season didn't exactly have me in stitches, despite Douglas Reynholm giving it his all. The thing was, I just couldn't get into the whole storyline with the builder, and Roy's banknotes didn't grab my attention (especially when they were just out of reach). The only one who managed to keep me entertained this time around, besides Douglas, was Moss and his run-in with bullying. / Lesson learned: Don't offend manual workers! You'll regret it!


Mad Men - The Milk and Honey Route (2015) (episode) 

English The episode not only lived up to my expectations. It was a blast. I won't even gripe about the fact that the plot barely involved the company – it has nothing left to offer anyway. Instead, I relished all the nuances of Don's journey, witnessed Pete finally owning up officially, and admired how the Francises' storyline, despite its strong emotional tones, managed to avoid veering into melodrama. / Lesson learned: Is honesty really the best policy? I don't think so...


Mad Men - Lost Horizon (2015) (episode) 

English Having watched the series before, it's been so long that today, I can't quite recall how everything played out. But one thing is crystal clear – I'm going to miss the characters, the setting, the atmosphere, and the story. The creators make it abundantly clear with each subsequent episode that this farewell is imminent. The twelfth episode was a solid one, and I genuinely enjoyed it, even though the loss hit me on a more personal level. / Lesson learned: No matter how bad things get, they can always get worse.


IT Crowd - Season 2 (2007) (season) 

English The second season took a bit of a turn. Computers were pushed aside, and the creators dove into politically incorrect territory. But, hey, it's still nothing compared to the episode which included instructions on how to destroy the internet!! / Lesson learned: If you're into workplace romance, maybe consider building a time machine.


IT Crowd - Men Without Women (2007) (episode) 

English Towards the end of the second season, the creators finally owned up to the fact that computers weren't their real focus; instead, they were just unleashing their hidden sexual aggression. This time around, the viewer got the full blast – the episode was filled with men in their underwear, love potions, delicate women, and the debaucheries of the creepy Douglas Reynholm. / Lesson learned: Only get your medicine and magic potions from certified pharmacies.


IT Crowd - Smoke and Mirrors (2007) (episode) 

English I'm not saying that I didn't crack up during this episode, but truth be told, it was the weakest one so far. Moss, Roy, and Jen were on their A-game as usual, but there was this feeling that something didn't quite mesh, and it wasn't their fault. I blame the weak script, and the final scene clearly confirmed it. / Lesson learned: When you invent something that has the potential to set the world on fire, don't let the haters bring you down.


IT Crowd - The Dinner Party (2007) (episode) 

English It's kind of weird how the IT department staff barely even deals with computers. Initially, I thought it might be an issue, but now I'm actually excited about all the theater shows, dinner parties, and girls' night outs they get into. Had a blast. / Lesson learned: Relationship problems can be easily sorted out with the right mix of consoles.


IT Crowd - Moss and the German (2007) (episode) 

English The pace of the third episode in the second season wasn't exactly breathtaking, but I still had a great time. It brought back memories of the infamous German chef, Armin Maiwes. Jen's Soviet smoking breaks were hilarious, perfectly capturing the anti-smoking blitzkrieg in companies, and watching the intense anti-piracy battle was quite a thrill. / Lesson learned: Always take a shower before leaving the house. You never know who might want to cook with you.


Mad Men - Time & Life (2015) (episode) 

English The barbarians are already at the gates of Rome. At least that's the way the eleventh episode felt. It's like watching a band on the Titanic – the deck's tilting, the ship's sinking, but the musicians keep playing. I've seen my fair share of long shows, and not all of them managed to avoid those melodramatic moments as they neared the end. So far, they're doing a good job here. / Lesson learned: Keep staplers out of children's reach.