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Reviews (1,704)


Blood of Zeus - Season 1 (2020) (season) 

English As I used to love reading about ancient Greek myths and legends at school and repeatedly went back to read them again for years after, I did not find anything in this show very surprising, especially at the beginning. In fact, the whole basic narrative is nothing new. How about the main male protagonist, was he in any way original or interesting? Truth be told, not really... It is like a classic ancient fable, only much more fleshed out, gory and taken to crazier (and for some, probably much cooler) heights. Even so, did I find anything surprising and intriguing? Did I find something in Blood of Zeus that would make me miss it and crave the next season? I do not think so. I personally found that even the much talked about Castlevania, which is being raved about by everyone, was a bit more enjoyable than this because there was at least something surprising in every episode... The animation is fine, the soundtrack is great, although story-wise I think it is rather average. 5.5/10.


Ninja Kamui (2024) (series) 

English Ninja Kamui immediately piqued my interest with Song-hu Park at the helm, the same director behind the gripping first season of JJK. Known for his knack for choreographing exhilarating fight scenes, Park and his team deliver solid work here, seamlessly blending traditional animation with CGI. The fight sequences pack a punch, brimming with power, impact, and energy that kept me glued to the screen. The main character, brought to life by the stellar voice acting of Kenjirou Tsuda, drew me in with his compelling backstory and a motivation reminiscent of John Wick's. He exudes just the right amount of coolness to keep the entertainment flowing. However, my enthusiasm waned when it came to the story. While the beginning showed promise with its well-executed revenge narrative and intriguing ninja lore, it took a detour into the realm of mechanical suits and corporate villains, with the corporate world and a younger version of Steve Jobs as the primary antagonists. What began as a strong and straightforward plot gradually became convoluted, delving into themes that failed to hold my interest. It's disappointing to learn that the creators had to extend the episode count to 13 to accommodate their entire story, as I believe a tighter narrative with perhaps just 12 or even 8 episodes would have served the series better. Maintaining the pace and quality of the initial episodes without the unnecessary layers would have made for a more engaging experience. In the end, Ninja Kamui offers decent action and entertainment value, but its tendency to overstretch, overexplain, and rehash certain themes relegates it to a one-time watch for me. Unfortunately, it falls short of leaving a lasting impression. 5.5/10


Sand Land: The Series (2024) (series) 

English Sand Land feels like the anime version of Mad Max, infused with a dash of fantasy and sci-fi from the mind of the late, great author of the Dragon Ball series, Akira Toriyama. Toriyama's signature humor style and overall atmosphere are unmistakable, reminiscent of the original Dragon Ball. Despite its simplicity, the series never loses its charm, keeping viewers engaged with straightforward yet intriguing storytelling. The characters, particularly the seasoned fighter and current sheriff Rao, are compelling and likable. However, the animation, especially the CG character animation, leaves much to be desired, like a sort of 2.5D. While it occasionally shines, it often feels heavy-handed and unnatural (such as Ann's hair), detracting from the overall experience. Additionally, the world's potential feels underutilized, failing to captivate enough to warrant further exploration or rewatches. Overall, Sand Land is a pleasant watch, earning a 6/10 from me. For fans of Akira Toriyama, it's likely a must-watch, but I suspect they will appreciate the series much more than I did.


Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits - Season 1 (2018) (season) 

English Because of the strong main female protagonist (Aoi) and the prevalence of charming male characters, this is definitely an anime series aimed more at a female audience, although it is far from boring. As I mentioned before, the big draw here is the very appealing Aoi, who is mostly the driving force behind the plot and the one who provides the solution to most of the problems. I guess it is rare that it is fortunate that a main female protagonist in an anime series, who is surrounded by so many charming and capable gentlemen (all right, well, it is the ayakashi anyway), so intensely and sweetly gives a helping hand and gets down to work herself (because all too often the main female protagonists in such productions just sit around waiting to get rescued). Plus, the way Aoi does it (through food and kindness) can be very attractive to a male audience in particular. Also, the way Aoi approaches the issues she faces within the interesting and magical setting of the world the show is set in, there is a very pleasant atmosphere that warms the heart. Of course, it is not just a nice walk in the park, the anime’s creators sometimes manage to conjure up some kind of suspense, to set up an intense situation that Aoi has to get through and overcome either on her own or with the help of her companions. It has quite an interesting narrative, even if it may give some people the impression that it is merely going to repeat the same story twice (SPOILER ALERT Aoi is taken somewhere against her will, to gradually win everyone over and save everything END OF SPOILERS). Anyway, if I add to that, in my opinion, good animation, and an appropriately chosen soundtrack, I am going to award a nice 8/10, which is actually an excellent result from someone for whom this anime series is probably not primarily aimed at.


The Klutzy Witch: Fuka and the Witch of Darkness (2023) 

English Imagine being tasked with writing a fairy tale about a young witch and an evil sorceress for kids aged 8-12, but you're not particularly inspired. The result? A tale that's simple, predictable, and brimming with the most basic lessons about the power of friendship triumphing over evil. At times, viewers might find themselves scratching their heads — like pondering the origins of the evil sorceress, or questioning the necessity of certain explanations (did we really need a detailed account of the princess's relationship with her brother?). On the bright side, the animation holds up decently, and there are a few imaginative touches, like the amusement park scenes. However, the film lacks the enchantment one would expect from a story about witches and magic. Elements like game consoles and the oddly dressed Chitose (T-shirt, shorts) feel out of place amidst the traditional fairy tale setting of princesses, knights, and castles. Romance attempts fall flat, and many characters, including the protagonist, fail to charm. While it might entertain some kids for a single viewing, it didn't leave much of an impression on me. It's a passable watch once, but I doubt I'd revisit it or seek out more stories from this world. 4/10


Fallout - Season 1 (2024) (season) 

English Tell me which Fallout you like, and I'll tell you if you'll like this series! It's pretty straightforward. If you're a die-hard fan of the classic Fallout 1 and 2, and everything after that felt like a betrayal of the brand, an inexplicable genre shift, and a mishandling of the post-apocalyptic world, then this series bearing the Bethesda logo in each episode's intro might not be for you. It's likely to trigger some serious PTSD, reminding you of the demise of your beloved childhood... Now, if you're into Fallout 3, 4, or even Fallout 76 (remember when those folks were rarer than vault dwellers on the surface?), then you've struck gold. This series is a treasure trove with a million nods to your favorite games. Whether it's a dog named Dogmeat (though he made an appearance in the earlier games too), a character with the surname Howard, or familiar locations like the Red Rocket gas station and Super Duper Mart, you'll feel right at home. Even fans of Fallout New Vegas get their cowboy fix, with management and corporations as the main antagonists. But what if you haven't played any Fallout games? Well, if you have a soft spot for post-apocalyptic themes, you're likely to enjoy this series too. It's got atmosphere, a unique charisma distinct from, say, The Last of Us. It's gritty, occasionally bizarre, and sometimes cynically funny. The story is intriguing, though it takes a bit to unravel all its twists and turns. The characters are quite likable, though you might need some time to warm up to a few of them. So let's break it down - die-hard fans of Fallout 1 and 2, you might want to step aside and let it pass, maybe one star at most. Fans of Fallout 3, 4, and 76, step right up with your 5 stars. New Vegas fans might lean towards a 3 or 4-star rating. If you're new to the Fallout universe, you could end up anywhere, but with interest in the topic, it's a solid 4 stars. And for those who've seen and played it all (well, except for Fallout 76 in my case), it's a respectable 7.5/10. IT JUST WORKS!


The Grimm Variations (2024) (series) 

English Diving into this modern take on classic Brothers Grimm tales, you're greeted with a visually polished presentation and a solid musical score. With six diverse stories at play, each one twists and turns familiar narratives, sometimes staying true to the original essence while other times flipping established roles on their heads. It's a mixed bag where certain parts shine brighter than others. Personal preferences vary; while I probably liked Little Red Riding Hood the most and Hansel and Gretel the least, you might find yourself drawn to entirely different tales. The series offers a successful blend of creativity, delivering original and sometimes eerie interpretations. There's a medley of themes explored, drawing from both the original fairy tales and entirely new narratives. Yet, amidst this inventive mix, there's a lack of standout moments that truly linger in memory. While it's an intriguing showcase of what's possible with the Grimm Brothers' legacy, it falls short of becoming a staple in my viewing repertoire. Still, if more episodes were to emerge, I'd be willing to give them a chance. For now, it's a commendable effort but doesn't quite surpass the timeless classics. 6.9/10


Kurayukaba (2021) 

English This tale of a down-and-out private detective forced to delve into a uniquely eerie underworld to unravel mysterious disappearances really resonated with me. Our main protagonist is a likable fellow, and I found myself drawn to the train conductor who seems to single-handedly maintain order. However, what truly captivated me were a couple of interesting ideas woven throughout the narrative. Everything was expertly executed; whether it was the detective's journey, the discovery of the bizarre world, or the clash between two opposing organizations, each element flowed seamlessly. The story remained clear, straightforward, and brimming with various plot twists and expressive animations. Despite not boasting the most cutting-edge animation, it still managed to enchant me. I was immersed in a world I wouldn't mind revisiting, with characters whose future adventures would pique my interest. The story itself was a success, one I would gladly rewatch as it truly captured my attention. While I'm not eagerly awaiting a sequel, if one were to come about, I'd definitely tune in. A strong 3 stars, or rather 6.4/10.


Kuramerukagari (2024) 

English Let's start with the positives - the series boasts its own unique artistic design and animation style. The camera work is commendable, featuring intriguing shots and angles, like the PoV walk on the wooden bridge. The integration of 3D models (robots) into the animated backgrounds isn't half bad. The setting of a steampunk mining town with its labyrinthine corridors and shifting shafts holds promise, although the execution falls a bit short. Additionally, the main heroine is quite likable. Now, onto the negatives - the music is bland, almost as if it's barely present. The story doesn't quite live up to its potential; it lacks sufficient exposition and character development. Consequently, moments that should be impactful, such as the story of a scientist finding a little girl or the relationship between Kagari and Yuuya, fall flat. In the end, it's a slightly better-than-average watch - worth viewing once. 5.3/10


Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters (2024) 

English This charming, and funny Yuru Yuri spin-off gives us a peek into the daily lives of Oomuro Sakurako and her two sisters, along with their circle of friends. It's a collection of various stories woven into a single film, each offering its own charm. Trust me, those 40 minutes will breeze by like a summer day. My favorite character surprisingly isn't one of the Ómura sisters, but Misaki whose height just isn't feeling well today and who's most definitely not afraid of the dark or rain. This feisty, competitive tsundere stole the show for me, adding a hilarious dynamic to every scene she graces. I'd happily watch an entire series centered around her, Hanako-sama, and their classmates. The animation and music are as delightful as ever, keeping true to the Yuru Yuri series' signature style. I thoroughly enjoyed it and eagerly await the sequel. 8/10