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Reviews (1,698)


This Art Club Has a Problem! (2016) (series) 

English In the beginning, This Art Club Has a Problem! did not really appeal to me because I could not get on with this show's sense of humor. I did not really think about it; a girl fancies a boy from the Art Club. However, only interested in painting his perfect 2D waifu, which is nothing to write home about. On a similar theme, I saw, for example, the much more interesting The World God Only Knows. I thought that the show offered a lot more in terms of plot personally (and it also had one of the best openings I have ever heard, which I still have on my computer and play occasionally). Still, it is not bad, and after watching more episodes, seeing new characters, and just getting pretty used to everything, it became kind of a mediocre diversion that I even found funny sometimes. Plus, some episodes are also quite charming, sometimes almost loveable, so I really did enjoy watching this anime series at times. My favorite characters are obvious. There is the insane Colette, plus the President of the Art Club. Then there is also little Moeka, who pops up every now and then and who is, as her name suggests, just incredibly "moe" and, for example, in the ninth episode entitled "Moe Stroll", was exactly the style of a cute little girl I like a lot. So, in my opinion, this show is better than average, and I really enjoyed some passages, although there were fewer than I would have liked. 6/10.


Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars (2016) (series) 

English I am going to try and hide the fact that I am only watching Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars because there are some pretty adorable cute girls. So I am going to talk for a while about how the animation is not completely bad and that the characters are pretty cool. I am even going to mention that even though it has a completely crap narrative, the premise does not really make any sense, and the execution is very poor with a lot of holes; it is still watchable. In my opinion, this is worth 3/10.


D.Gray-Man - Hallow (2016) (season) 

English I saw the first anime series a long time ago; however, at least two things stuck in my mind from it. The first is Millennium Earl, who very quickly became one of my favorite main antagonists. This polite, funny, and yet very peculiar character, whose appearance reminds me of a cross between Batman's Penguin and The Joker, simply won me over. I do not know if it was because of that particular image or just the great voice acting, as I was perpetually waiting for Earl to say "konbanwa" just as a little boy wants an ice-cream. The second thing was the thrilling conclusion and especially the piano battle. I had chills running down my spine at that moment, and I was very tense and really impressed. So I still stand by the five stars I gave the original anime series. I was all the more looking forward to the follow-up that has now arrived; however, unfortunately, it just somehow does not feel right. The atmosphere that I experienced when watching the original series is not there. The original voice actors have aged considerably, so new voice actors have logically picked up the baton, which is unfortunately noticeable. My favorite characters like Krory and Miranda get almost no screen time, and even the expected excitement when Millennium Earl appeared was not what I imagined. Plus, I found it to be very rushed and slightly chaotic. Still, it is not a big deal, and I am still curious to see what Allen is going to do next since I have not read the manga, even though no matter what I do, this follow-up is just better than average. 6/10.


Handa-kun (2016) (series) 

English Haven't You Heard? I'm Handa-kun. Take the main male protagonist from the quite successful and adorable anime series Barakamon and apply the quite successful and funny concept known, for example, from the anime as mentioned earlier in the series Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto to him and add the punchline that everything is one big misunderstanding because the main male protagonist is cool, cooler, the coolest to others even though he is unaware of it. Well, what is the point of this exactly? Sadly, this is a sort of poor man's "CatDog" that is only remotely close to Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto in terms of humor, cuteness, or the thoughtfulness of individual situations. Also, it does not really have anything in common with Barakamon apart from the main male protagonist. Sure a couple of quite funny situations happen here and there; however, it is really quite boring at times. So frankly speaking, I think this is kind of a weakly average show. 4.5/10.


Battery (2016) (series) 

English At least initially, I found it more interesting than the second summer sports anime series concerning football. At first, this show seemed like it was going to be a classic sports anime series about how two guys meet and join a baseball team, and then they work their way up to the national league they have been dreaming of. Unfortunately, as time goes on, it turns out that is not really what it is about at all. There is not a lot of sports and baseball games in this show. So most of the episodes deal with the relationships between the teammates, the fact that the main male protagonist is a self-centered and arrogant wan*er, and how to be in a team with someone like that, even though he is really incredibly talented. Next, they are faced with the problem of who to play with. In the end, there is a weird "love story" going on concerning "the hitter and the princess." So instead of dramatic baseball game scenes, we see some rather unsuccessful and boring dialogues between the main protagonists, going around and around in circles without any significant shift towards real harmony in the team and between the individual characters. And just when you think that something might start to happen, it is all over. It felt like if I met a seemingly nice girl, and she said something about having sex but then gave me a psychology lecture for hours that would be as convincing as the news from a tabloid newspaper. Then I would walk her home after an unbearable amount of time, on the one hand rather bored, but at the same time feeling like a coiled spring. I would be thinking that perhaps something was going to finally happen in the bedroom department because she is quite pretty to look at; however, she would then turn to me and just say "goodbye" and close the door in my face. And so you go with your impression from mediocre to bellow average to unsatisfactorily... 3/10.


Servamp (2016) (series) 

English I had no problem with the first episode; I did not even mind that the characters seemed a bit flat. The second episode even intrigued me in the first half; I thought the enemy might not be too bad until the main male protagonist started giving him a lecture. So then I understood that this poor guy has actually just been misunderstood, and therefore the main male protagonist obviously starts helping him! That was so touching that I just started chuckling away cynically. It did not get much better as the episodes went on, just more and more weird pairings popping up. Moreover, I thought that the fight scenes in this show lacked sparkle, none of the characters really interested me apart from the "sloth cat" and the ending in general, which I expected to be at least a little interesting, was in the words of the main villain "not interesting at all." I am kind of trying to figure out who Servamp was actually intended for because with all the bishies and vampires being just a hair scarier than the ones in the horror movie Twilight; I would have supposed it was aimed at girls. However, the attempts at all the fighting and the gritty opening made me think that perhaps it was not meant to be like that. Well, whatever the case, it was obviously not aimed at me probably, because my impression of this show is very poor. 3/10.


The Heroic Legend of Arslan - Dust Storm Dance (2016) (season) 

English Season two was at least as good as the first season, full of all sorts of unexpected twists and changes with good characters, lots of fight scenes and battles, plus some strategy. Let us be honest, this follow-up is really good, and the fact that the second season has only eight episodes does not spoil the impression I got, quite the opposite, because the pacing is very good. Also, the plot does not falter, and there is always something going on. I am very satisfied with the result, and I am looking forward to the third season. 8.2/10.


Orange (2016) (series) 

English I did not have the issues that put most other people off, although I agree with them on some points. For example, I am going to start with the fact that the main female protagonist reads the letters she sent herself one by one throughout the season. Even though it may not seem to make much sense, I was not put off by that. That was because it is there for logical reasons (because of "plot convenience"). After all, the narrative unfolds gradually. If the main female protagonist had read all the letters in one go, it probably would not have worked out so well. The plot development needs it, and although it may seem a bit strange at first, it was understandable. At times, the "plot convenience" is necessary because if the characters were acting too logically, there might have been no narrative to speak of. For example, watch the video "How The Lord of the Rings Should Have Ended," and you can understand that the characters in this show would have read the whole letter without these slightly illogical pitfalls and thought it was just crap, and tossed it in the trash. Sure, nothing should be too over-the-top; however, I can live with such things. I also consider, for example, how in the later stages, the male protagonists resolve whether and how exactly to follow the letters a positive thing. This is good and interesting thinking by the anime's creators. As for the over-sweetness, the goofy smiles, the coyness, etc., I did not mind that either. This anime series is aimed primarily at girls, so it tries to fulfill their ideas of a love story. As an unpretentious consumer of cuteness and love stories, I am not offended by the simplicity and sweetness; indeed, I quite like it at times. Some of my fellow reviewers and I agree with the criticism of the characters. The main couple is, to put it mildly, completely pointless. Naho Takamiya strikes me as naive and even slightly foolish, and Kakeru Naruse? I do not know, but somehow I cannot positively relate to the main protagonist. On the contrary, I got tired of him. The boy is as sensitive as an exotic flower, and the fact that everything is based on everyone constantly helping him, trying to get something out of his introverted shell, and just when it seems like it might work, he gets depressed again. Then they are back to square one, and this irritated me. It is very sad when you cannot root for the main protagonists in an anime series based on a love story, and your attention goes to the third main character, in this case, Hiroto Suwa. I thought he was a real dude, and I liked him and what he got up to. Plus, Kakeru strikes me as just a "big girl's blouse" next to him (I am choosing a very mild turn of phrase, although another, much harsher one would have been appropriate). How am I supposed to empathize with the idea of saving Kakeru when I do not think that Kakeru deserves to be saved? I also had a problem because this anime series was virtually unconcerned with dealing with the past at first; however, they made up for it in the conclusion. There were reflections on what could have been, why they got into something like this, and they were not bad at all. It was good because the characters were asking themselves the very questions I had been wondering about for a few episodes by the end. Late, but still... Orange is definitely above average in terms of concept and ideas, and I am sure many people will be interested. However, how do you rate something that fails when considering the most important aspects? A romantic anime series where the main protagonists are irritating, and the "Saving Private Ryan" type-thing that irritated me beyond belief does not deserve to be awarded four stars. Even though the show is full of ideas, I felt pretty negative. So, in my opinion, this is worth a rating of 6.3/10.


Days (2016) (series) 

English In my opinion, sports anime series should never be this adorable, and the protagonists should not have their faces painted like this. I was not too fond of the animation or the characters, and even though it is clear that the main male protagonist is going to go down the “from zero to hero” path, I somehow could not bring myself to root for him, even though I could see him trying. So I am sorry; however, I am not going to be spending my time on the anime series Days. Dropped after the second episode, and I am not going to rate it.


Ange Vierge (2016) (series) 

English What should I write about an all-girls anime series where the main female protagonists spend three-quarters of the first episode naked in the bath? How do I comment on an enemy that threatens to destroy all five "highly original" worlds and whose main attack ship looks like a big black, ahem, (well, let us just like, say, it is sort of like a mushroom)? The main female protagonists are extremely determined, some look tough, some look adorable, and all of them want to be the best warrior. The fact that Ange Vierge is based on a digital collectible card game once again reeks thousand times over. I have already seen one anime series today with a similar theme, and I am kind of wondering whether to continue with this one. I like cute little girls, but this one is so superficial and stuffed with fan service that I got bored. Plus, the path laid out is way too obvious, and the cuteness is quite sparse. Plus, the fan service that abounds with sunshine covering the unsightly parts makes my eyes hurt. Well, even the next two episodes did not give me any compelling reason to continue watching in the end, so dropped after three episodes and 1.5/10.

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