
Kamilla, a young Danish girl is getting married in Las Vegas. She went there with her boyfriend Henrik in an attempt to avoid/escape the traditional wedding. Halfway through the ceremony Kamilla gets second thoughts and panics. She runs out of the chapel and jumps on the first escape possible – a man pulling out on a motorbike from a gas station. The stranger, taking Kamilla's boyfriend for a violent type of man, defends her and takes off with Kamilla on the backseat.

The Stranger, Rock, explains to Kamilla that he can't take her along on his route, but he'll take her to Los Angeles. Here they spilt up, much to her dismay. She calls Henrik, persuade him to pick her up in Venice, only to get a ride with a fare-clown, she bumps into, while she's making up her mind in waiting for Henrik. The clown is open for conversation, which pleases Kamilla, who's desperate for company. But as it turns out, they stop at a gas station, where he cooly robs the place whitout Kamilla noticing.

In the following ride, it dawns on Kamilla that he's bad company, but too late to save her from being part of a kidnap-like situation. Rock who is passing the gas station, as they hurriedly left, scoops her up and they wind up in a hotel together.

Taking a first step into unknown territory they spent the next days together, Kamilla displaying her restless energy and mindless testing, Rock being drawn to her because of it. Kamilla keeps digging into any open possibility, and finds little cracks in Rock's personal defences, and eventually the first fragments of a large plan, his dark voyage and the potential end of it. Now Kamilla has been hooked at puzzle together the pieces of Rock, his life and destiny. They proceed to San Francisco, where they stay at Rock's aunt's house, Kamilla is determined to find out more in her selfpromoted tour into Rock's life, and as the aunt tells her about Rock's missing father, though still alive living secluded somewhere in Seattle.

Kamilla thinks she's got it. Rock has been telling her that he has no surviving family. She lets Rock know, that she's onto him, and for individually different reasons of fear and risk of disclosure they continue to Seattle together. Kamilla has been out of touch with her boyfriend, after she abandoned and deserted him twice, but now they have agreed to meet up in Seattle, Kamilla hoping to have confronted Rock by then, with her information thus forcing him to face the lies. A feature Kamilla finds utterly cleansing. Though for different reasons Rock actually accept her audacious proning into his private life, he is being moved by her stubbornness. As they discover that Rock's father recently died, and Rock confronts his own life, their journey seems to come to an end. (official distributor synopsis)



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