Battle Spirits: Brave

  • Japan バトルスピリッツ ブレイヴ
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Japan, (2010–2011), 20 h (Length: 24 min)


Episodes (50)

Brave! The SunDragon Sieg-Apollodragon (E01)

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Two Brave Users - The MoonlightDragon Strike-Siegwurm's Roar! (E02)

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A Clash Between Men! MoonlightDragon vs. SunDragon (E03)

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Goddess Deck of Grief and Anger (E04)

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Soaring Challenger - The BladeWolf Beo-Wolf's Sortie (E05)

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Threatening Magic! The HeavenHornBeast Bicom (E06)

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The Masked Ultra-Awaken! The PhantomStarDragon Gai-Asura (E07)

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Otherworld Observation Records! Legend of the 12 Zodiac X-Rares (E08)

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Windstorm Girl Flora - The ScorpioKnight Scor-Spear's Ambush! (E09)

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Destined Battle! SunDragon vs. MoonlightDragon (E10)

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Save the Bride! The BlackWingDragon Burn-Crow (E11)

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Mechanic's First Battle - BladeKingBeast vs. WingDeity (E12)

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Sabershark, Brave with the MoonlightDragon! (E13)

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Humanity's Enemy! Bashin Dan! (E14)

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The CancerBushin Cancerd vs. the ScorpioKnight Scor-Spear! (E15)

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Rome's Setting Sun - The Colosseum with the Speed Star (E16)

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Run Forward! The SunDragonDeity Rising-Apollodragon (E17)

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New Blue Brave! The Thunder Sacred Artillery Cannon-Arms (E18)

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Grasp the 12 Zodiac X-Rares! Duel at the Water Jug Mansion (E19)

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Dan vs. Clackey - The WaterCarrierDeity Aqua-Elysion! (E20)

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The Resurrected Barone! Arrival! The UranusSacredBeast Slei-Uranus (E21)

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Brave Killer! The StarSlayerDragon Darkwurm-Nova's Quake! (E22)

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Ambush! Brave Spirits vs. Darkwurm-Nova (E23)

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Brave Killer - The Prison General's Nexus The Dark Sacred Sword (E24)

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He Came Back! The MagicalTwinsDeity Geminize (E25)

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The Human and Mazoku Interval (E26)

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Rising-Apollodragon vs. Meteorwurm! (E27)

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Defeat the Brave Killer! The PlutoSacredBeast Inferd-Hades (E28)

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Light the Darkness! The MoonlightDragonDeity Lunatech-Strikewurm (E29)

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Scorching Centurion Deck! Identical Deck Showdown! (E30)

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A Replacement - The BullDragonDeity Dragonic-Taurus (E31)

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Nearing Blue Deck Destruction - MoonlightDragonDeity, Brave Weak Point! (E32)

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Dan's Justice! Strike-Siegwurm Descends! (E33)

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The Queen's Guardian - Break Through, Archaelancer! (E34)

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Brave Killer vs. Bashin Dan (E35)

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The EvilCapricornusDeity Stein-Bolg Descends! (E36)

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Blood Boiling Flower Dance - Vs. Ragna-Rock Deck! (E37)

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Farewell Barone! Brave Attack of Separation! (E38)

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A Turbulent Splitting and Double Nova - Overwhelming! SuperNovaDragon and StarSlayer Dragon! (E39)

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Guardian Deity of the Stars - The ShineCentaurusDeity Sagitto-Apollodragon! (E40)

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The ShineCentaurusDeity Sagitto-Apollodragon vs. Ghost Red Deck (E41)

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Barone's Path Blocked! The MachineLionDeity Strikewurm-Leo (E42)

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The Revived Prison General Duc! Tenacity of the 12 Zodiac X-Rares (E43)

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X-Rare of Corruption - The SnakeMasterDeity Asklepiooze (E44)

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Sagittarius Apollodragon vs. Sun Apollodragon (E45)

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Dan vs. Zazie - Upheaval of Asklepiooze (E46)

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The Darkness of Men - Lamentation of Asklepiooze (E47)

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Dan vs. Mai - Double Brave vs. Double Nova (E48)

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Fort of the Gods - 12 Zodiac X-Rare Clash! (E49)

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Daybreak (E50)

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