

Japanese anime based on the light novel series by Tsukasa Fushimi. Masamune Izumi (voice of Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) is a high school student who writes novels, collaborating with anonymous illustrator Eromanga Sensei. However, when he finds success with his latest novel series, Masamune is shocked to discover Eromanga Sensei is really his 12-year-old foster sister Sagiri (Akane Fujita). (MVM Entertainment)


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English There are several problems with this anime series. Yes, it is meant to be a comedy, and so you are not expected to take the things you see quite so seriously, but to be honest, some things are way over the line. I could probably force myself to get over the fact that it is basically about a love story between half-siblings, even though it is still incomprehensible and unimaginable to me. Then, of course, there is the get-out clause that they are not "blood relatives", which, to be fair, does not help or do much to take away the uncomfortable feelings I have. The main female protagonist is the strangest combination of a voluptuous and cute girl afraid to come out of her room and a perverted horny illustrator of erotic light novels. I find this very strange rather than offensive in any way. However, what really bothers me a lot is the incredible over-sexualization of all those cute little girls. Okay, perhaps some people are into this, but I think some lines just should not come out of the mouths of twelve-year-old girls. Also, the incessant footage and sneaky camera work made most of it look very stupid. The pinnacle of tastelessness is the last episode, which for the most part, is really just a perverted pedophile's dream that even I, though a fan of cute things, could no longer watch without feeling extremely embarrassed and disgusted. So while it was cute at times, and I thought that despite all the huge shortcomings and certain dangerousness and perversity, I did not want to slag it off completely, but I have to admit that I cannot, in all good conscience, really defend this anime series. 2/10. ()

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