
10 seconds – a brief moment is enough to throw the lives of a number of people into turmoil. After an airplane disaster flight controller Markus is tormented by feelings of guilt: he feels responsible for the death of 83 people. His wife Franziska seeks refuge from the pressure in an affair. Harald, one of the first policemen on duty at the scene of the catastrophe, is plagued by memories of the accident. Erik has lost his wife and child in the crash – and can still not get over the pain when he meets fun-loving Daniela. While all of them are trying to get a grip on their lives, they fail to notice that they are already heading for the next calamity.
Inspired by the true story of the collision of two airplanes over Lake Constance in 2002, 10 SECONDS – independent of the real occurrence – deals with the consequences of such a tragedy. Told from different perspectives and on different time levels, the drama empathizes with the characters and examines whether and how life can continue after such an event. Director Nicolai Rohde: "From the beginning we wanted to tell the story of three protagonists whose emotions build on one another so that their interaction reveals a subtle, emotional portrait of three people whose fate becomes interwoven through the accident. The battles have already taken place; all of the figures have to make their own decisions in order to continue living." (Berlinale)

