AJ Bowen

AJ Bowen

Born 21/12/1977 (46 years old)
Marietta, Georgia, USA


A native of Marietta, Georgia, and graduated from the University Of Georgia. AJ starred as Lewis Denton in the Sundance hit The Signal. He has appeared in critically acclaimed independent films such as Ti West's The House Of The Devil, Sun Don't Shine, Synchronicity, and A Horrible Way To Die, for which he won best actor at both Fantastic Fest and Uk Frightfest.

AJ contributed to Larry Fessenden's episodic radio play, Tales From Beyond The Pale, in Glenn McQuaid's "Trawler" episode. He starred in the Eli Roth produced The Sacrament, re-teaming him with director Ti West. In the summer of 2013, AJ directed and starred in Panhandlers, which he also wrote. You're Next marks the third collaboration between AJ and Adam Wingard.





Night Sky