Wolfgang Thaler

Wolfgang Thaler

Born 09/03/1958 (66 years old)
Lurnfeld, Kärnten, Austria


Since 1990 Wolfgang Thaler has had a prolific career shooting over 50 films. During this time he has worked on numerous occasions with world-renowned director Ulrich Seidl. His work with Seidl has seen them nominated for the Palme D'Or at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival for IMPORT/EXPORT, as well as picking up the Grand Jury Prize at the 2001 Venice film Festival for HUNDSTAGE (DOG DAYS). He wrapped up shooting Ulrich Seidl's film PARADIES. During his productive career Wolfgang has also worked consistently with Austrian director Michael Glawogger, winning international accolades for WORKINGMAN'S DEATH and WHORE'S GLORY. In 2009 Wolfgang received the Marburg award for 'exceptional achievements in film aesthetics', joining the prestigious ranks of cinematographers like Raoul Coutard. Eduardo Serra, Frank Griebe, Robby Muller, Slawdomar Idziak and Anthony Dodd Mantle. In between shoots Wolfgang is a Professor of Cinematography at the Vienna Film Academy.

Film Movement





Termites: Highly-Efficient Builders (TV movie)


Universum: Durch die Salz-Länder der Erde (TV movie)


Universum (series)