Maria Ribeiro

Maria Ribeiro

Born 09/11/1975 (48 years old)
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Maria Ribeiro was born in Rio de Janeiro, in 1975. She graduated with a degree in journalism and started acting at the age of 17. Since then, she has worked with the some of most important directors in Brazil. She has acted in 15 plays, seven films, and five soap-operas on Globo TV and Record TV including: LUZ DO SOL and PROVA DE AMOR.

Maria has also appeared in the following feature films: ORFEU (dir: Carlos Diegues); TOLERANCE (dir: Carlos Gerbase); SEPARAÇÕES (dir: Domingos Oliveira) and THE XANGÔ FROM BAKER STREET (dir: Miguel Faria Jr.).

Maria won the "Qualidade Brasil" award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in ELITE SQUAD.

The Weinstein Company

