Charlotte Roche

Charlotte Roche

Born 18/03/1978 (46 years old)
London, England, UK


Charlotte Roche was born in 1978 in High Wycomb, England. At the age of eight she moved to Germany and grew up in the Lower Rhine region. She gained initial fame through the music show Fast Forward, which she presented from 1998 to 2004 on the music television channel VIVA Zwei. In 2000 she started her second show Trendspotting. In 2001 she was nominated for the Adolf Grimme Award for her "competent and distinct presenting style".

The "Queen of German pop television" (Harald Schmidt) conducted unconventional interviews, which made her a trademark character of the music channel. In 2002 Charlotte Roche received the Bavarian Television Award, followed by the Adolf Grimme Award two years later. From 2003 she presented the celebrity talk show Charlotte Roche trifft... on ProSieben, and in 2006 she joined the music magazine programme Tracks on ARTE.

In 2006 she played the leading role in the feature film Eden. She sat alongside TV presenter Harald Schmidt on the guessing team in the show Pssst..., which was relaunched in 2007 on ARD. In 2008, for the 3sat show Charlotte Roche unter..., she followed various professionals as they went about their daily work. Then, in September of 2009, she took over for Amelie Fried on the talk show 3 nach 9. Charlotte Roche enjoyed particular success with her most recent show Roche & Böhmermann on ZDFkultur, a format modelled on the talk shows of the 1960s, which she presented together with the journalist, author and satirist Jan Böhmermann.

Charlotte Roche is also an accomplished musician. In 2002, she had a role in a music video by the band Fehlfarben, and in 2004 she sang the song Träume on the album by the band Superpitcher. In 2005 she provided musical support for Rocko Schamoni on his song Mauern; in 2006 she sang the duet 1. 2. 3. with Bela B., drummer of the band Die Ärzte. She also caused quite a sensation in 2005 while touring with the actor Christoph Maria Herbst and reading excerpts from her dissertation on the topic of Penis injuries caused while masturbating with vacuum cleaners.

Finally, in 2008, her first novel Wetlands was published. For weeks the novel topped all the major bestseller lists. In the story she deals with the divorce of her parents and writes about the topic of body hygiene in her own characteristically blunt and creative style, which triggered considerable discussion in the media. Wetlands was also the first German title to make it to No. 1 on Amazon's international bestseller list.

For more than seven months in a row, the book was also at the top of the literature charts, and in 2008 it was the year's best-selling book. Wetlands has been translated into 27 languages and, besides Germany, Austria and Switzerland, has been published in 28 countries, such as Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Iceland, Japan, Canada, Korea, Croatia, The Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, The Czech Republic, Hungary and the US. Roche's second novel Wrecked was published in the summer of 2011 with an impressive initial print run of 500,000 copies.

Match Factory



Schoßgebete - book


Wetlands - book











Amok! (E01)


Love Rituals – Mit Charlotte Roche in … (series)


Trendspotting (series)




Trendspotting (series)