Rebecca Miller

Rebecca Miller

Born 15/09/1962 (61 years old)
Roxbury, Connecticut, USA


Rebecca Miller's career took on many forms before her debut film, Angela (1995). Painting and sculpture studies in Yale were followed by video art in the mid-80's and acting later that decade. What followed was a bunch of supporting roles in the films of her mentors, such as Mike Nichols, Paul Mazursky and Alan Pakula. She also had time for an theatrical adaptation of After the Fall, written by her Nobel Prize-winning father, Arthur Miller. Her film career has been paralleled by her career as a novelist. Her breakthrough film, the Sundance-winning Personal Velocity (1998), was based on her collection of short stories. In Ballad of Jack and Rose, released in 2005, the lead role was played by Miller's husband, Daniel Day-Lewis, and it was followed by another adaptation of her book, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009).

Midnight Sun Film Festival





