Kepa Sojo

Kepa Sojo

Born 1968
Laudio, Álava, Basque Country, Spain


A Doctor of Art History from the University of Basque Country, with his doctoral thesis about Berlanga’s Bienvenido, Mister Marshall. A bachelor of Geography and History from University of Basque Country. Since 1999 he is a professor of History of Cinema at the University of Basque Country and a specialist in History of Cinema from Valladolid University. He combines his teaching and researching work with audiovisual making. He is a member of the organization committee of NEFF – New European Film Festival in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and event which gathers together all the previously existing festivals in Álava and took place between 3rd and 7th May 2005, in its first edition. As a historian he has been published over 50 articles about cinema in magazines such as Secuencias, Vértigo, Cuadernos Cinematográficos, Cine y literatura. He has taken part in several collective books such as Bienvenido, Mister Marshall... 50 años después, La historia a través del cine, El franquismo, or Historia del cine en Euskal Herria. He has dictated lectures in several French universities including Lyon-Lumière 2 or Versailles-Saint Quentin in Yvelines. He has also talked about cinema in such remote places as Siria, Tunisia, Jordan or Chile. He has also been published a tourist guide of the Basque Country, several books about art and artistic heritage, he has directed the Basque Museum of Gastronomy in Llodio (Álava), he has been a tourist guide all over the world, he has made an inventory of the artistic properties of Catholic Church in Álava...

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca






Ronda de poniente