Jerzy Skolimowski

Jerzy Skolimowski

Born 05/05/1938 (86 years old)
Łódź, Poland


Jerzy Skolimowski is a film director, screenwriter, dramatist and actor. Graduated in ethnology, literature and history from Warsaw University in 1959, he is also a graduate of the prestigious National Film School in Łódź (1962), and has directed more than twenty films since his 1960 début The Menacing Eye. In 1967 he was awarded the Golden Bear prize for his film Le Départ, and a year later he won the Special Prize in the 13th edition of Seminci with Barrier. He has participated in the Cannes competition on numerous occasions, with films such as King, Queen, Knave (1972), The Shout (1978, winner of the Grand Jury Prize), Moonlighting (1982, award for best screenplay), Success is the Best Revenge (1984), Torrents of Spring (1989) or Four Nights With Anna (2008), which marked his return to Poland after 17 years living in Los Angeles, where he painted in a figurative, expressionist mode and occasionally acted in films. He received the Golden Lion award for Lifetime Achievement at the 2016 Venice Film Festival and EO (2022) earned him the Cannes Festival Jury Prize.

Seminci - Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid





Production designer



De película