Jaime Humberto Hermosillo

Jaime Humberto Hermosillo

Born 22/01/1942
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico

Died 13/01/2020 (77 years old)
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico


A renowned screenwriter and film director with a strong career in Mexican filmmaking and many international awards. Throughout his career he has made over 37 films, including María de mi Corazón, El Verano de la Señora Forbes (co-written with Gabriel García Márquez), La Pasión según Berenice and La Tarea. He has received numerous honors and been the subject of special screenings and retrospectives of his work all around the world, such as in The Museum of Modern Art of New York, U.S.A.; The National Film Theatre in London, U.K.; Cinemathequé Quebeçoise in Montreal, Canada; the Amiens Film Festival in France, and the Cineteca Nacional de México. He has received six Ariel Awards from the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for best direction and best screenplay for La Pasión según Berenice, Naufragio, Las Apariencias Engañan and De Noche Vienes Esmeralda; he has also received the Diosa de Plata Award for best direction for Amor Libre and for best screenplay for Doña Herlinda y su Hijo, as well as important international awards, such as a Jury’s special mention at the International Moscow Film Festival for La tarea. He has been an Emeritus Creator by the National Art Creators System since 1999. In 2005 he received the International El Pochote Award for Digital Cinema, awarded by La Galería Arvil and maestro Francisco Toledo, in Oaxaca, México, and is invited to become a permanent member of the Awards Committee. In mayo 2013, during the 55th Ariel Awards, he received the 2012 Salvador Toscano Medal from the Cineteca Nacional de México for his contributions to Mexican cinematography. Jaime Humberto Hermosillo is a true film-loving filmmaker who has made important contributions to the history and evolution of Mexican motion pictures and as a teacher has fostered the creativity of new generations of Mexican filmmakers.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Monterrey










