Yann Yann Yeo

Yann Yann Yeo

Born 20/02/1977 (47 years old)
Johor, Malaysia


Yeo Yann Yann is a versatile and talented actor and theatre performer who has built a successful career across the mediums of film, television and theatre. She is one of those rare talents who enjoy both critical acclaim as well as popular star appeal. A familiar name in Singapore and Malaysia, Yann Yann first secured her standing in the Singapore entertainment industry after a string of notable films such as Singapore box office hit 881, Singapore Dreaming (New Screenwriters Award, San Sebastian Film Festival; Best Asian Film, Tokyo Film Festival), Love Matters and Being Human. She also won a Life! Theatre Best Actress award for her exceptional portrayal in the Chinese classic play, Thunderstorm. After returning to Malaysia, Yann Yann wowed the local audience with her leading role in the local drama series, The Iron Lady. Her performance won her many good reviews and compliments, which led her to win Best Female Actress in the first Golden Awards. Her other outstanding performances include Malaysia's first period martial arts comedy Petaling Street Warriors, blockbuster drama series The Descendant and comedy sitcom Time FM. She has been nominated twice for her performances at the Asian Television Awards.

Film Movement