Axel Anderson

Axel Anderson

Born 11/12/1929 (94 years old)
Berlín, German Empire


For more than five decades, Axel Anderson has been one of Puerto Rico's most prolific, most beloved and most successful actors/directors. Born in Germany but raised in Latin America, Mr. Anderson started his acting career as a teenager, performing in Argentina, Colombia and the Dominican Republic. In the 1960s, he settled in Puerto Rico where he quickly became one of the most recognizable leading men in telenovelas as well as a pioneer director of plays and films. Anderson performed in radio, television, theater and film, both in local ("Maruja") and American productions, such as "Bananas" and "The Battle of the Bulge." Axel Anderson is still one of the top actors in Puerto Rico. His powerful turn as Dr. Puttnam in "Los Condenados" permeates every scene of the film.

Strand Releasing




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