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Reviews (571)


Dead Silence (2007) 

English Almost 4 stars. If it wasn't for the bland script and the not-so-interesting Ryan Kwanten, it would have been great. James Wan decided to try his hand at a classically futuristic atmosphere and succeeded brilliantly as a director. Suspenseful, atmospheric but unfortunately a bit too simple. Definitely interesting though.


The Tripper (2006) 

English Very weak. David Arquette didn't know what he wanted to shoot: satire, comedy, horror, or just a sick mix of all of them? If it wasn't for a few of the funnier scenes, it would have been pure agony. The actors salvage what they can, but are helpless against the dull, unimaginative direction.


The Lookout (2007) 

English A brilliantly acted and written drama. The deliberately slower pace builds up nicely towards the end, and as a psychological whodunit, The Lookout is one of the best things to come along in a long time.


Mr. Brooks (2007) 

English Good acting can't save everything. What Mr. Brooks lacks is a brisker script and a bit more interesting direction. The inspiration in Dexter is evident, but even though Kevin Costner and co are playing in a lower league, it's a pretty good watch.


Penelope (2006) 

English The Tim Burton inspiration is evident, but still Penelope is much more appealing. It’s more down to earth and the bizarreness is "within the norm." Plus, Christina Ricci is really awesome. A great film that literally engulfs you with its charming atmosphere for less than two hours. If you let it.


Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) 

English Not a very entertaining film. There is not much action, and it’s not dazzling, the acting is weak (only Chris Evans has some charm) and the senseless seriousness of the characters, doesn't work in the film at all, because the you can’t relate to them. It's not completely bad, but it falls well short of Bryan Singer's rival team-up.


Vacancy (2007) 

English Even though you know what will happen in the next minutes and there are no surprises, Vacancy is quite good. Nimrod Antal knows how to scare and the whole thing moves along quite nicely. Plus, Luke Wilson shows that his versatile acting face really works in any genre. Definitely not for more than one viewing though.


10 Items or Less (2006) 

English A more intimate and independent version of Lost in Translation. But no worse. Morgan Freeman clearly enjoys his role immensely, Paz Vega is as talented as she is beautiful, and the short running time makes the whole thing move along nicely. For some, however, the upbeat mood may be too much.