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Reviews (3,550)


A Simple Favor (2018) 

English It's a shame the film wasn't a bit more comedic and that the humor started to veer away from seriousness and attempts at suspense as time went on, because both actresses are amazing and the potential was great. Given that Paul Feig decided to use (almost) only French songs, he might as well have made something in the style of French comedies.


Entebbe (2018) 

English The dance performance throughout the movie was confusing to me. Very confusing. Indeed, the characters of the dancer and her friend the soldier were unnecessary. But then the anticipated action-packed climax at the airport came, and all the images of flying bodies of dancers and fierce music gave it a powerful uniqueness, something I’ve never seen before. I give a thumb up for this originality, though it’s certainly not for everyone. I also give a thumbs up to the perfectly plausible couple of Rosamund Pike and Daniel Brühl, as well as the perfect Eddy Marsan in the role of Shimon Peres.


Fear City: New York vs The Mafia (2020) (series) 

English The best of mafia movies, except that it's reality. Or is it? The series neatly chronicles the efforts of the FBI agents (and others) who decided to get their hands on the five New York crime families, it shows not only the investigation, but how the families themselves functioned and the relationships the criminals and lawmen sometimes shared. All this is done with the help of a fair amount of period footage and contemporary dramatization. I really liked the way things unfolded, and I think the revelation of how the Mafia was involved in the construction of Manhattan, for example, will surprise some.


Stand by Me (1986) 

English Beautiful. I love the premise and I'm delighted that it managed to come to life so well thanks to all the boys and Rob Reiner. I was wondering how the ending could have moved me so much when almost nothing actually happens in it... And it's probably that I was just moved by the whole film, and merely saving it for the end.


Red Eye (2005) 

English It's like seeing a modern-day Hitchcock. Pacing from start to finish, nervy and cynical humor for light relief, and most importantly a polished script that makes the most of everything in the end. Every minor character, even briefly introduced, and other aspects like the renovated house or the mention of a knife or a sport... Nothing is extraneous, everything makes sense sooner or later; it’s just great. The part on the plane is very suspenseful, the part after the plane is again somehow tense, and I didn't find the ending at all out of place with what preceded it. Indeed, I was again reminded of the finales of Hitchcock films, which often took place in a different setting from the rest of the film, and nobody minded.


Quiz (2020) (series) 

English This miniseries has made me into a juror and, it must be said, quite a clueless juror. The first episode was like an indictment, the second like a reconstruction of the case that supported the indictment, and the third like a defense that rather deftly undermined or even refuted what I saw... I was wild about everything I saw, and I wondered whether I was actually just rooting for the crooks. Well-acted crooks, by the way,since the casting of all the roles is excellent; apart from the performances of Charles and Diana, the one that sticks in your mind is the impeccable Michael Sheen as Chris Tarrant.


Masterminds (2016) 

English One of those so-called comedies that seem at least half improvised... And that’s quite possibly the case. It makes you wonder if the original script was worse, or the other way around. Too bad. Quite a promising cast and plot based on real events.


The Devil Next Door (2019) (series) 

English This is a thrilling documentary full of tension, surprising twists, all manner of emotions, and thought-provoking opportunities beyond any live-action feature film.


Proxima (2019) 

English Proxima is certainly not a bad film. I like the idea that astronauts (female astronauts) have to overcome a force other than gravity on their way to space, and Eva Green is beyond great in the lead role. Unfortunately, the story is not so great. It's kind of ordinary, nothing really surprising... And when it does surprise (with an incredible night "trip"), it's more annoying than anything else.


Miss Sloane (2016) 

English A polished film with the amazing Jessica Chastain in an extremely believable role as a cunning careerist who probably just had a bit of a conscience stirred in her. Or has she? The main character prides herself on always being one or two steps ahead of everyone else (and of the viewer, as it happens), so there's no shortage of surprises, and although you might manage to predictsome twists in advance, you certainly won't guess all of them.

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