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Reviews (7,573)


Quacks (2017) (series) 

English Finally another series I was fully satisfied with. My only objection is to the final episode, but not even that could affect my overall rating. The Brits simply know how to make a great series and I rank Quacks up there with shows like Yonderland or Black Adder. I enjoy the English humor and the creators' ability to add the perfect amount of drama to the story so that it doesn't detract from the overall atmosphere but rather intensifies it. I sure wouldn’t mind if there was another season.


Quacks - The Physicians Hernia (2017) (episode) 

English The finale had me thoroughly entertained. I was fascinated by how they managed to make William's tragic fate humorous. I can just imagine the amount of melodrama an American production would have added to this storyline. However, I did feel the ending was a bit rushed and could have been executed better.


Quacks - The Bishops Appendix (2017) (episode) 

English This time, the creators sneaked some melancholic and dramatic elements into the excellent comedy. I was grinning the whole time, and the unexpectedly serious ending fit seamlessly into the plot, without causing any issues — unlike the bishop's appendix.


Quacks - The Madmans Trial (2017) (episode) 

English The third episode only enhanced the already great impression. While Quacks doesn’t make me laugh out loud like the legendary Pythons, I’m thoroughly entertained throughout. The decision to go with a half-hour runtime was brilliant — there are no dull moments, and I’m always disappointed when the episode ends. Other shows sometimes make me check how much time is left, but that’s never the case here.


Quacks - The Lady's Abscess (2017) (episode) 

English The second episode kept me thoroughly entertained. The way historical figures are used reminded me a lot of Blackadder. I hope the series continues in this vein.


Quacks - The Duke's Tracheotomy (2017) (episode) 

English It’s pretty clear this series is going to be a hit for me. The chosen theme is perfect — watching the early development of modern medicine has always fascinated me. This time, I got the added bonus of classic English humor and Mathew Baynton, who has never let me down.  // "I like to smoke during operations, the smell of gangrene can be terrible."


Sense8 - Season 1 (2015) (season) 

English I had fun whenever there was a crisis and the characters were able to cooperate thanks to their connection. I was also intrigued by looking into their past. What I didn’t like all that much was when the sisters decided to share with me what turned them on. I don't think of myself as a homophobe, it takes all kinds, but I really don't enjoy watching that. Plus, Lito and Hernando’s kissing scenes always made me think of Velcro for some reason. Oddly enough, I never feel that way about lesbian scenes... Anyway, I find the premise of mind-to-mind communication great. It's what makes me want to watch the next season.


Sense8 - I Can't Leave Her (2015) (episode) 

English The final episode was divided into two parts, and I enjoyed both. The first part focused on the attempt to rescue Riley in Iceland, revealing some new information along the way. The second part centered on Wolfgang's efforts to carve out his own space. A very solid episode overall.


Sense8 - Just Turn the Wheel and the Future Changes (2015) (episode) 

English Wow, this episode really brought the story to life. When all the ingredients are balanced, everything works well, just like in cooking. But when the script focuses too much on relationships or lengthy conversations, it loses its appeal. This time, there was some action, making everything much more interesting. I'm not saying it always needs to be violent scenes, but the characters should collaborate more often to keep things dynamic. Endless staring contests and drawn-out kisses kill the story's momentum.


Sense8 - What Is Human? (2015) (episode) 

English Wolfgang managed to earn the third star for this episode. I don’t understand why the creators are so desperate to avoid more action-packed scenes with the interconnected characters. Sure, we get one of these scenes per episode, but why be so stingy with them? If they're saving it all for an amazing finale, they risk losing viewers' interest — nobody wants to wait forever.