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Reviews (7,521)


Love, Rosie (2014) 

English Lily Collins is in this movie, which is a plus in my book. The beginning was funny and quirky enough to hook me, but the rest of it didn't quite maintain that excitement on the rewatch. My good mood started to fade the moment it all took a nosedive into a sappy love story, with some truly ridiculous time and space travel that didn't seem to serve any purpose other than to drag the film on for over an hour. I've been out of my teenage years for a while now, so I couldn't relate to all that beating around the bush anymore. The whole thing felt completely unrealistic to me (and if this is someone's reality, then I'd recommend a psychiatrist or a shotgun, whichever they prefer). Instead of enjoying it, the plot started to grate on my nerves. The ending which was straight out of a Rosamund Pilcher novel didn't help it much either. / Lesson learned: This film contains a guide on how to mess up your life in three intense seconds. 3*-


Mad Men - The Doorway, Part 2 (2013) (episode) 

English I won't deny that the creators made an effort to convey something, and I'll take the blame for not fully grasping what it was. However, I just didn't find it enjoyable. The entire episode seemed to drag, with certain plot points making little sense to me (like Betty's quest to find Sandy — seriously, who is Sandy?). I'd go so far as to say it was one of the weakest episodes of Mad Men ever. / Lesson learned: Don't try to have fun at a funeral.


Mad Men - The Doorway, Part 1 (2013) (episode) 

English The episode didn't really bring anything substantial, unless we're counting the new fashion trend and the hairstyle change that went with it. Various subplots were introduced that seemed like dead ends to me. I can't see how these unnecessary plot lines could have any real impact on the overall story. / Lesson learned: When you've got the time and money, consider a vacation in Hawaii. 4*-


Coffee Town (2013) 

English I found myself enjoying this comedy even more on a rewatch after all these years. The whole concept was brilliant, well-executed, and the acting was spot on. Only a few weaker moments held it back from getting five stars. What made it even more engaging was how it boldly disregarded political correctness (though the creators seemed fully aware of it), offering up plenty of life lessons along the way. I now know that if I want to make an impression on a woman, I must adequately belittle her. I've learned that exercising in the bathroom is not the best idea, and I've even picked up some tips on how to organize a tournament for "normal" people against the "special" ones. However, the greatest moral takeaway was the reminder that for the right cause, one must not be afraid to risk their life. / Lesson learned: Want to win over your chosen one? Even if it's called a laptop, never, I repeat, never put it on your lap.


Mythic Quest - Brendan (2020) (episode) 

English I had rpraised this series in my previous reviews, and then the creators throw some family drama at me. It was quite disappointing, honestly. I wasn't in the mood for that kind of nonsense when diving into this show. Thankfully, there were a few moments in the episode that salvaged it enough for me to give it a three-star rating. / Lesson learned: Feeling ignored? Maybe it's not just a feeling.


Mad Men - Season 5 (2012) (season) 

English After the first four episodes of the season, I wasn't feeling too optimistic about where it was headed. Luckily, the creators seemed to remember what they were truly good at, and the rest of the season, with a few missteps aside, carried on in the right spirit. As a viewer, I'm a bit unsure if it's really necessary to keep adding new characters (although I understand the need for fluctuation), especially when some of the ones I was used to seemed underutilized or even disappeared. Despite these concerns, I'm still satisfied with the show. / Lesson learned: All is good as long as the money keeps pouring in.


Mad Men - The Phantom (2012) (episode) 

English The finale of the fifth season wasn't bad. I particularly enjoyed the shot of the five partners of the company in front of the future offices. The episode did feel a bit lacking compared to the previous ones, though. I guess I was hoping for less Cinderella and lovesick infatuation, and more intense drama instead. But hey, I get it, you can't expect things to pan out every time. / Lesson learned: When someone offers you fifty thousand dollars, say thank you and take it.


The Debt (2010) 

English As I've grown older, my perspective on movies and series I watched years ago has certainly shifted, and this film is a prime example. At one point, chasing Nazis might have seemed justified, but seeing the recent outcomes of such actions feels like kicking someone who's already unconscious. I'm not here to defend anyone, but dragging elderly folks in near-vegetative states to court, with more tubes and wires than Robocop, doesn't seem to have a point. What kind of punishment will they get? Life imprisonment? Right. The blindfolded lady with scales must be having a good laugh. Anyway, this film captured a time when such actions seemed more sensible, and I particularly enjoyed the part set in Berlin. However, the part set in the present and the ending was executed so poorly that I debated whether it deserved that third star for quite some time. / Lesson learned: While we played cops and robbers as children, kids in Israel apparently played games like Simon and the Nazis.3*-


Mythic Quest - Permadeath (2020) (episode) 

English This series is definitely one where gamers, especially online players, have a considerable advantage over other viewers. They're likely to have a lot more fun with it. Well... at least that's what I imagine. It's true that my experiences with WoW and PoE really help me find humor in Mythic Quest, even in situations that might seem a bit baffling otherwise. / Lesson learned: Hope may die last, but it's a painful death.


Mad Men - Commissions and Fees (2012) (episode) 

English At first, it didn't seem like it, but in the end, the creators managed to craft one of the darkest episodes of the series. Throughout, it maintained the sophisticated blend of drama and comedy that I've come to expect from this show, but the ending took it to a whole new level of darkness. I actually really appreciated it because it showcased that even in the final season, the creators have still got it. / Lesson learned: Design is important, but it's safer to bet on reliability.