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Recent reviews (7,552)


The Gentlemen - Refined Aggression (2024) (episode) 

English Excessive hype usually makes me cautious, so I kept my expectations low. I wasn't disappointed, but I also wasn't swept away by a tsunami of excitement. It was a classic pilot that introduced the characters, setting, and circumstances of the upcoming story, where it seems I won't have anyone to root for. When it comes to drugs, I dislike the producers, distributors, and end-users, so I'll likely remain a strongly impartial viewer. Guy Ritchie is clearly evolving, moving away from the humor that marked his early films... Let's wait and see where it goes from here. / Lesson learned: A stoned chicken shouldn't be handling a shotgun.


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 4 (2023) (episode) 

English This episode was pure, delightful madness. I had a great time watching it. The main difference between Japanese and American comics is that in Japanese ones, characters actually die — and they do so in quite unexpected ways. So, yeah, I enjoyed the battles and even felt some tension. But then came the gardener's transformation, and I nearly died laughing. I have to count that as a positive because anime and Pokémon are just quintessentially Japanese. / Lesson learned: I wonder what that yokai was compensating for with that enormous axe? :-D


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 3 (2023) (episode) 

English Overall, the series is almost exactly meeting my expectations. Almost. Unlike the first episode, the following two lacked that certain something. That said, the Japanese creators have nailed the fight choreography, the CGI doesn't bother me, the visuals are quite stunning, and I find the Japanese characters much easier to distinguish compared to their Korean counterparts. If the creators can step up their game in the remaining episodes, I'll gladly bump up my rating. / Lesson learned: Some yokai behave surprisingly human, and some humans are too much like yokai. Just like in real life.

Recent ratings (11,185)

The Gentlemen - Refined Aggression (2024) (episode) (E01)


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 4 (2023) (episode) (E04)


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 3 (2023) (episode) (E03)


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 2 (2023) (episode) (E02)


Yu Yu Hakusho - Episode 1 (2023) (episode) (E01)


The Price of Nonna's Inheritance (2024)


Hit Man (2023)


The Markovič Method: Hojer (2024) (series)


The Markovič Method: Hojer - Cesta ke světlu (2024) (episode) (E06)



Recent diary (14)

Dobročinnost? Já?

FeriusParfax ve mně svým včerejším příspěvkem v Deníčku probudila něco, z čeho se později vyvinula strašlivá nasranost, a já jsem tak včera poprvé v životě přispěl na dobrou věc. Je pro mě asi typické, že jsem tak neučinil z čisté dobročinnosti ale ze vzteku a z mocné frustrace, kterou ve mně opakovaně vyvolává náš justiční systém. A protože se mě ten vztek pořád ještě drží jako pověstný exkrement košile, nechávám tady odkaz pro ty, kteří to cítí podobně a mohou obětovat alespoň stokorunu.

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