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Reviews (3,441)


Boogeyman 2 (2007) 

English Before anything, I must say that I didn’t watch the first part, but I heard a lot of negative comments about it, so I didn’t expect anything from this sequel. I was very surprised by the good atmosphere, the decent performances and the originality of some of the deaths. What disappointed me, on the other hand, was the twist, it was truly unexpected considering the events up to that point, but it wasn’t very fitting. Yeah, and it’s funny that Jigsaw Bell scared me more than the Boogeyman :) If I compare it with other films that I had the misfortune of watching recently, this one is well above-par. PS: Could someone who saw the first one please tell me if this sequel has anything in common with it, other than the name? Based on what I’ve read, it seems it doesn’t :)


Blur (2007) 

English For an hour it looked like I was going to grant another Boo!, but the last thirty minutes improved things considerably. It’s still not very clear to me, but it was watchable. The protagonist was very unpleasant. 50%.


BloodMonkey (2007) Boo!

English Ouch! This was painful. An hour and a half of several dumb students, one scientist and a badass Asian woman running around in a forest, while their numbers decrease in an uninteresting fashion due to some funny digital apes. If you haven’t seen this film’s flock of flies, you are missing something. Had the creators meant this as a comedy, I would give it one star for the scene where the monkeys piss on the tents and our heroes believe it’s raining (it was incredible :D). Otherwise, clear Boo!


7eventy 5ive (2007) 

English Still bad after the umpteenth time. Another copy of Scream that rips-off pretty much all its motifs: the masked killer and his identity, the telephone calls, the final twist, etc. The main problem is that everything is executed very blandly, and even though the last half has a corpse every five minutes, you get bored and look at your watch, wishing it will end soon. The characters and their behaviour are chapter on their own. The actors are OK for the standards of teenage-slashers, the problem is that they are not likeable and the things the script makes them do are hard to fathom (e.g. the girl who voluntarily gives the address of the place she’s at to the mysterious voice on the phone, even though a moment before she witnessed how that mysterious voice on the phone brutally murdered someone). And I’d rather not speak about the unintentionally funny detectives, who unfortunately show up several times. It’s a film that you could watch with a large group and comment the events on screen – that could be fun. PS: The opening scene is better than the entire hour and a half that follows it.


Cape Fear (1991) 

English It might not be a terrifying cloak, but it is a cape of solid fear.


The Reaping (2007) 

English A criminal waste of the potential of the Egyptian plagues. It could have been first-rate horror, but the meek execution sent The Reaping to the realm of the average. It’s a pity, not even Hilary Swank could pull it to four stars, she was pretty good.


Hostel 2 (2007) 

English A bit worse than the first Hostel, but with some very good scenes. Overall, it’s a slightly above-par film that shouldn’t disappoint fans of the exploitation subgenre. The ending is quite impressive.


The Hills Have Eyes II (2007) 

English A poor sequel to Aja’s excellent remake. The illogical behaviour of the characters is painful to watch and there’s hardly any atmosphere. They didn’t spare on the gore, but it is awfully ineffective and unoriginal, and it’s all the film offers – without the gore, it’s about nothing. It’s sad, but only two stars – and I looked forward to it so much.


The Ferryman (2007) 

English Utterly average film. The original story and the character of the ferryman are wasted by the derivative execution and the unlikeable actors. It’s alright to watch once, but don’t expect anything else, you will have forgotten it in a week due also to the confusing ending (the last scene) that it’s impossible to explain.


Disturbia (2007) 

English It begins as a decent teenage comedy that in the second half turns into a thriller that pulls you a bit into the story. Shia has a quite a lot of talent, he carries this film on his shoulders all the way to an above-average rating.