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Reviews (1,697)


Orenchi no Furo Jijo (2014) (series) 

English I could easily copy my previous review of I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying and nothing would happen other than ripping myself off. Unlike the other anime series, I find this one a little funnier at times, even though at the same time I find it a lot weirder, a lot less realistic, and therefore I could not empathize with the issues here all that strongly. Likewise, I found the relationships between the characters unclear, and I did not know what to make of it. So I may laugh, but I am also shaking my head and wondering what is going on, and I am not enjoying it. 4/10.


I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying - Season 1 (2014) (season) 

English The biggest advantage and disadvantage of this anime series is its running time. The episodes are fresh, sometimes funny, and not annoying due to their brevity, although they, unfortunately, do not have a chance to develop the narrative to be more complex. So, I got relatively little from the plane of coexistence of two "different worlds". I wonder what the anime series would look like if it had a more typical running time and could keep its fresh perspective. Anyway, it is a pleasant treat that is easy to watch, even though it could not satiate me on its own. 6/10.


Chaika - The Coffin Princess - Avenging Battle (2014) (season) 

English If you liked the first season and where others saw weaknesses, you found only strengths, you will adore the second season. If you want action and suspense, it is no problem, and if you want more interesting characters, there are enough of them. If you want Chaika, she is there in spades because there is never enough of Chaika! In other words, the second season is not only as good as the first one, However, because of the gradual unfolding of the narrative and the answers to some questions (which only bring new ones), it surpasses it. The only real shame is the somewhat rushed and unfinished conclusion because as excellent as the penultimate episode was, they managed to undo the good work in the last one. In other words, it has its quirks, but the moment Chaika starts talking in that weird style of hers, I pretty much start not to care. 9/10.


Gugure! Kokkuri-san (2014) (series) 

English I am not going to write about what this show is about as the reviewer Teelus has already taken care of that perfectly. If I had to describe it in a nutshell, I would probably say this is incredible madness. The storyline is very straightforward yet peculiar. The main character (a little girl named Kohina) is wacky and yet incredibly cute, and Kokkuri-san wins all my sympathies with her almost parental care. The other characters are strange too, and despite their weaknesses, you grow to like them very quickly. This anime series is enjoyable and charming, but most of all, it is funny. I alternated fits of laughter with a nice warm smile at the more serious parts. I got a pleasant feeling from this show, and I have to say that I enjoyed it as it did its work as my Sunday night movie. In my opinion, this show is the funniest and also one of the cutest anime series of autumn 2014. 9.5/10.


Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon (2014) (series) 

English Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons is about a world where citizens are those who can use "mana," where those who cannot are just things without any rights and freedoms, imprisoned and sentenced, e.g., to a lifetime of fighting dragons from another dimension with the help of mechanical robots and other similar deadly dangerous activities, sometimes even to death. However, it is mostly about a princess who has the misfortune of not being able to use mana, and although she does not know it thanks to her maid until a certain point, nothing lasts forever. Eventually, the princess is sentenced to serve her time in one of the women's prisons. In other words, it is pretty much a raw Mecha fantasy adventure set in a girls' prison where instead of gluing paper bags together, the girls fight dragons on giant robots, scheme against each other, make friends, live, and die. It is also about a princess who has lost everything and is forced to fight for her life, trying to survive as best she can. I am not a fan of the Mecha genre (with minor exceptions like Code Geass), and I stopped being friends with big robots that give beatdowns to all sorts of aliens when I saw Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers as a kid, so I rarely commit to something like this at all. The rawness of what I saw in the first two episodes was rather off-putting. However, because of the setting, I could understand. I was not amused by all the ecchi and yuri scenes. However, they are also related to the girls' prison setting (unlike some of my fellow reviewers who renamed it Fap Mecha). I liked the subject matter, which I found relatively interesting, and the fantasy world it is set in, and I also wanted to see how the main character would develop. After the fifth episode, I am now at the point where I am not enjoying it as much, the things I like are not getting as much screen time, and I find it rather boring, so I am quitting. I think it will find fans, but I am not one of them. 4/10.  


In Search of the Lost Future (2014) (series) 

English From what I knew about this anime series before watching it, I was expecting something very mysterious with a dark atmosphere. However, I almost fell asleep during the first episode, and when it came to the romantic scene, I did not even want to continue watching it. Somehow I did not understand what I was seeing had to do with what it was supposed to be about. Fortunately, the unexpected ending connected with the mysterious discovery of Yui redeemed it, and I lasted quite a long time before I got tired of it again. In other words, it looked interesting at the beginning and I had high expectations about the various storylines. However, gradually they started to be partly explained (and I understood, for example, that the anime's creator had probably seen the Terminator at some point) and tangled in places (various paradoxes connected with Yui's activity). If it had a darker atmosphere, I would probably be satisfied, but as it is, it is more like a slice of life mixed with a love story and harem with a bit of the supernatural. There are a lot of boring explanations and crap with not very distinctive characters (except for the pronouncedly unbearable American Kenny), zero comedy. However, it has quite a bearable animation, soundtrack, and sometimes (but not enough for my taste) interesting storyline. Overall, it deserves two stars, so 3.5/10.


Jinsei - Life Consulting (2014) (series) 

English I am not sure what to write about a show so verbose that even the subtitler did not enjoy doing the subtitles. I do not know about other sites, but it took almost three months for the last episode to be available on the site where I watch anime. The overall quality of the subtitles was pretty terrible. It is about a girl called Ayaka who has started a journalism club and puts the main male protagonist Yuuki directing the Life counseling section where the various problems of the other students will be addressed. She puts three female students at his disposal, each excelling in a different field of activity (sports, science, humanities). Well, this anime series is more or less about someone sending the club a question or solving some problem related to the club's running, and we watch how the three female protagonists, along with their supervisor Yuuki and sometimes their boss Ayaka herself, handle it. Usually, there are three different perspectives from the three girls, and a compromise is found, or the best way is chosen. As the reviewer seth82 said, the idea of solving the classmates' problems is not original; the characters, because they represent a particular point of view, are cookie-cutter and often unbelievable. The main male protagonist is pretty nondescript. The show is way too talky, and the presentation of the problems, where letters from the students are read at a frightening speed that, you cannot catch even if you read the subtitles, has its weaknesses. The animation is not so bad and easy to watch as far as positive aspects go. It can be funny occasionally (albeit very occasionally), and some of the problems solved can be interesting despite being pretty cliched most of the time. 3/10.


A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd (2014) (series) 

English A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd is a classic harem anime series with a not-so-interesting asocial main male protagonist and lots of girls who lust after the main character. The only other male character plays a completely minor role, and it is actually as if he were not even there. From what I have seen, the characters are not very fleshed out; it is quite maudlin and emotionally overwrought in places. The main female protagonist is slightly blasé and comes across as rather odd. None of the other girls extremely interested me either. Not until episodes five and six did I first feel mildly optimistic because the anime's creators finally addressed what I was wondering about (the mystery of what/who the "Shepherd" is) and gave a fairly plausible explanation. However, I thought that for me to be more interested and to rate it better, the anime's creators would have to bring some very unexpected twists, and the characters would have to go through some radical character changes. SPOILER ALERT. There is a surprising twist, and I have to say it is nice of the anime's creators to give the main male protagonist his first serious romantic scene in episode seven. I doubted if I wanted to continue watching this drama because I waited for his mentor to say something like "Kyoutarou, I am your father." The level of stupidity and madness would be completed. It is a real shame that it did not happen. I think it would have been fun. END OF SPOILERS. I lasted until the end, and everything turned out pretty much as I expected, so the last few episodes did not add any new dimension, and it is not worth more than two stars. 2.6/10.


Laughing Under the Clouds (2014) (series) 

English The story is set in the early Meiji period, when carrying swords was forbidden by the government. Those who disobeyed were sent to a secluded prison in the middle of a lake. Three brothers were assigned to transport criminals across the river to the prison. That is a loosely and briefly translated synopsis of the anime series. I agree with Monoxid that this is a typical fantasy-historical bishounen. The soundtrack is not very interesting and the animation is too colorful for my taste. However, unlike my fellow reviewer, I did not find the characters too endearing. The only one I tolerated was the eldest brother Tenka and Kinjo, his friend who lives with them. They did not bother me that much. I found the middle brother annoying, and the youngest one was almost unwatchable at times. The only slightly interesting female character, the teacher (not counting the bishoujo warrior), gets minimal screen time. I started watching this show because I was interested in what would happen in the prison and what Tenka had to do with it. However, after watching a few episodes, I slowly got tired of that too, and since I had enough of watching pretty boys, I quit after the fourth episode. I am going to award this show one star because it is not altogether bad and considering the genre, it might even be good. Anyway, I am not going to watch it again. 2.2/10.


Bonjour Sweet Love Patisserie (2014) (series) 

English In Bonjour Sweet Love Patisserie, a young girl called Sayuri Haruno gets a scholarship to a pastry school. She meets many young and beautiful boys (bishounen harem), especially among the teachers. Within the shoujo genre, it is probably good judging by the feedback on some forums and discussions, where there are a lot of girls drooling with bliss. However, this show did nothing for me, probably because I am a guy and am not attracted to pretty boys or boys in general. Also, by making the running time of the episodes only five minutes, there is not much room for any complex plot and character development. It, therefore, seems to me that it just degenerates into the main female protagonist drooling over "pretty boys" and resolving her doubts about whether she belongs to this school. I can only tolerate the shoujo genre in conjunction with a reverse harem, a strong or interesting female protagonist, and a decent narrative. This show falls short of all that despite the short running time. Since there is no comedy to help me get through this, I am done after the second episode.