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Reviews (3,807)


Hard Candy (2005) 

English Czech writer and traveler Iva Pekárková describes in her book "Šest miliard Amerik" an experiment undertaken by journalists some years ago that tried to prove that the people in American society had become indifferent toward each other. They placed a crying 7-year-old girl on a bench in a park and filmed from a hiding place to see what would happen. Dozens of people passed by the little girl, but instead of addressing her or raising the alarm, they continued on their way and, if possible, walked as far around her as they could. After a long time, a stranger approached the child. Pekárková further explains that except for the worst neighborhoods, it is practically impossible to find children playing in nature or on the streets. For decades, the US has been plagued by hysteria regarding perverts and pedophiles, who have nothing better to do than abuse, rape, and murder innocent children. From a young age, children must live in safe bubbles consisting of a house with a yard and a car that can potentially take them to another safe bubble. Children are persuaded that any stranger only wants to harm them, and if anyone approaches them, they should call for help. Most adults would not dare to help a child in trouble for fear of being accused of attempting to harm them. Although the number of criminal cases in the area has been decreasing for many years, the hysteria wave is only increasing. It is unthinkable to enter a playground without one's child, and it is extremely dangerous to take photos on the street or in a park where children could also be present because anyone can accuse you of pedophilia, and such accusations are taken very seriously and are difficult to shake off. Lynchings are not uncommon occurrences either when there is a misunderstanding. We live in a world with fluctuating values, and in movies and series, we sometimes even root for successful criminals, including serial killers. Resisting those who harm children is one of the last areas where people can agree, so the do-gooders have taken the cause and are willing to be the first in line to start throwing stones. This campaign, with all its negatives, has also spread to Western Europe, where it is currently fashionable to search for anything in the biographies of famous personalities and especially politicians that would suggest anything other than a strongly condemning attitude towards pedophiles and other sexual deviations. The film Hard Candy perfectly rides the wave of this hysteria. Although explicitly immoral, the most detestable thing about it is that it presents itself as a defender of the weak as if it were morally superior. It is a strange construct where an 18-year-old girl, who also looks 18, plays a 14-year-old girl with the mindset of an adult woman. I have a daughter who is currently the age of the protagonist, and what the screenwriter is trying to put on my plate is, pardon my language, nonsense. Pedophiles behave and think differently than Slade imagines, and how Wilson acts... Moreover, and above all, only a significant minority of pedophiles engage in abuse. The rest satisfy themselves with their fantasies, which they often transform into artistic forms. For example, Lewis Carroll was most likely a pedophile. The only positive aspect of the film is the performance of the two main characters. For Elliot Page, it was her ticket to the world of cinema, which she used to the fullest. Unfortunately, due to the negative feelings it evoked in me, the film itself will not receive more than 25% from me.


The Facts in the Case of Mister Hollow (2008) 

English An old, faded photograph can provide many surprises upon closer careful examination and as the camera approaches more and more, it reveals details that tell a dark story of crimes, love, and sacrifice. Interestingly, the importance of film detail is paradoxically confirmed by an animated short film. The film is an impressive realization of a single idea, which it richly manages over 6 minutes. Overall impression: 90%.


The Sicilian Clan (1969) 

English This is a well-known film, one that people probably remember when they think about "the golden era of French crime cinema." It brought together three big stars of that era - Delon, Ventura, and Gabin - all of them performed their parts with excellence. Perhaps only in some of the actors in the supporting roles is it evident that they were playing second fiddle. The smuggling of weapons on board an aircraft is simply related to the lower level of airport security - the security philosophy has developed over the years, and the impetus for its significant strengthening was a series of tragic attacks and hijackings in the 70s. As for the hijacking of the plane, which should be the culmination of the film in my eyes, it is resolved too simply and with film elegance for my taste. Would the numerous guards seriously not notice anything about the valuable cargo? Paradoxically, I enjoyed the stylish prison escape at the very beginning the most, which was an early highlight of the crime story for me. Overall impression: 85%.


Dr. No (1962) 

English Dr. No attacks the 80% popularity threshold with its ratings and has several satisfied comments in the style of "It's not quite there yet, but it has everything that makes Bond Bond, it's just not fully developed." From my perspective, Dr. No is a film that has only made its mark in film history as the beginning of a successful cult series about the unstoppable agent 007, rather than for its objective quality. Dr. No does not stand out from the contemporary genre productions, let alone the overall cinema of that time. Comparing it to the stylish action spectacle of later Bond films makes even less sense. It has many flaws. It is a clumsy and awkward film where many things happen by unintended magic. For example, the outrageously rushed finale, where the victory over the villain is so painfully easy and quick, is disappointing. Ursula's charms are undeniable, but many other bond girls have managed to combine physical attractiveness with a much greater dose of acting talent. Overall impression: 40%.


Amarcord (1973) 

English Based, for example, on the film Day for Night, filmmaking is primarily hard work, which can sometimes be fun. But during the filming of Amarcord, the crew, actors, and extras clearly treated it more like a happening and enjoyed the whole process wonderfully. I'm not entirely sure if today's viewers feel the same way. The ratings would suggest so, but I have the impression that Amarcord is exactly the type of film where some people add a little bit of snobbishness, many because they respect the name of the world-famous Italian director. Amarcord works based on individual images and short scenes, but, in my opinion, it fails as a whole. Some time ago, when I reviewed Woody Allen's Radio Days, I compared it to Amarcord and The Elementary School in the comments. The genre similarities are obvious, but Amarcord reveals its weaknesses in comparison to both titles. The Elementary School received the highest rating from me because it resonated with me due to its connection to the Czech environment. Radio Days is a wonderful retro film, and both movies work excellently as a whole. Ultimately, Amarcord only gets 3 stars from me because it lacks a strong plot and feels fragmented. It is a series of grotesque images, bizarre characters, and small jokes, but what bothers me is the overacting. It is overly stylized and overexposed. Radio Days and The Elementary School are much more down-to-earth. Despite these criticisms, Amarcord remains a film that reflects the talent of a director with a sense of film imagination. Overall impression: 60%.


The Innocent (1976) 

English Visconti tells the story of repeated infidelity, illegitimate children, and uncontrollable jealousy. It is underpinned by vanity, opulence, snobbery, and elitism. Where one's ego is elevated above ethics, ruthlessness can lead to the destruction of human life. Visconti directs like a painter, carefully layering color upon color, until a magnificent and cohesive picture emerges, a feast for the eyes. Excellent cinematography indulges in the visual splendor of noble palaces and ladies' gowns. Visconti manages to restrain himself, and thus the reasonable runtime does not lead to aesthetic boredom. Overall impression: 90%.


Mother Theresa of Cats (2010) 

English A TV film that depicts the turmoil and destruction of a middle-class family through the elder of two sons. The obvious psychopath and manipulator systematically alienates, tramples on, and corners the parents and divorced mother. He gains the support of the younger brother and one could say that everything is heading toward a terrifying finale - if it weren't for the fact that the screenwriter tells the story in reverse. For some, this may be an unnecessary step that complicates the understanding of the plot, but for me, it is a welcome change that forces me to pay attention and engage my brain. The film is worth watching, especially for the excellent performance of Mateusz Kosciukiewicz in the role of the mentally disturbed Artur. Such an inconspicuous little scoundrel. Just a small note regarding some of the comments - is it really unclear what happened at the very end (beginning) of the story? Do you really need absolute literalness? What is actually mysterious about this drama? Overall impression: 75%.


The Exorcist (1973) 

English The Exorcist was obviously directed by someone who understood the film industry, the audience, and the market. At the time of filming, there was a peak of interest in the trendy satanic theme, and the audience was already accustomed to many things. One of the few remaining taboos was the connection of satanism with a child as a symbol of innocence. Within a short period, three genre films were created that successfully attempted this and gained cult film status. Alongside The Omen and Rosemary's Baby was The Exorcist. Shocked viewers held their breath as they watched the fragile girl transform into a vulgar monster full of anger. Unfortunately, for me, The Exorcist has always been a film where the prologue and the final scene work. What comes in between, which logically makes up the majority, goes over my head due to its excessive literalness. The prologue, which is unrelated to the rest of the story, is filled with sinister anticipation, tension, and a menacing premonition. Something is not right, but you still don't know where the blow will come from. In the final scene of the film, the camera focuses on the stairs in front of the house where someone had died shortly before. Through that shot, you feel an unspoken question - will the horror continue? The rest of the film plays with such open cards and is so descriptive that it simply becomes uninteresting to me. The director wants to emotionally manipulate me, but it doesn't work anymore because we don't live in the early 70s. For me, it still holds true that fear and tension are best evoked by what you cannot see and do not know. A film is the most powerful when it leaves you to wander in uncertainty. A film like The Exorcism of Emily Rose is much more attractive and impactful to me. Overall impression: 40%.


The Matador (2005) 

English The life of a hired killer is undoubtedly demanding in many respects, especially if you belong to the top and they exploit you accordingly. Constant stress takes a heavy toll and sooner or later exhaustion and crisis set in. It could be a good premise for a comedy, but the result does not meet expectations. The fault is not so much with Brosnan, as he handles the comedic part and the whole assignment well, even though this type of role does not suit his nervous character. This could be the domain for an actor like Pierre Richard. The main problem, however, lies in the script and dialogue. The Matador is far from being as funny and good as it could be. It has a lot of weak points and is only running at one-third capacity. Overall impression: 40%.


Devilish Honeymoon (1970) 

English It's strange, but it's similar in type to the crazy Czech comedy You Are a Widow, Sir which was made in the same year. At that time, I gave it 4 stars and even though the rating may have been influenced by nostalgia, satisfaction prevailed. However, Podskalský's film most resembles constipation. The experienced Jaroslav Dietl is pushing and pushing, but he can't push out a functional plot and humor. Devilish Honeymoon is a movie that works in its details, such as Libíček's lines and proverbs or the charms of Jana Brejchová, but unfortunately, as a whole, it is desperately unfunny and awkward. I would give it a more accurate rating of 2 stars just for the multitude of well-known and beloved actors, but the series of performances, such as Brodský stumbling through the forest with antlers on his head, or Růžičková writhing at the disco, bring the film down to a level where Troška confidently is today. Overall impression: 30%.