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Recent reviews (3,807)


West Side Story (1961) 

English In this case, I deliberately abstain from giving a rating because I’m at a loss. West Side Story feels to me like a museum piece that undoubtedly has value as a historical statement about choreography and the musical style of the late 1950s and early 1960s. I wouldn’t mind watching it as part of a film club for cinephile enthusiasts. However, as a piece meant to entertain and resonate with today’s audience, it does not work at all. Grease, which is 45 years old, remains fully functional, playful, and five-star, whereas West Side Story feels outdated in its choreography and naive in its message. I’m familiar with it from the stage as well, and thanks to modern adaptations, it was far more bearable there. I believe the film deserves a high-quality remake. This time, I’ll forgo an overall impression.


Alien: Romulus (2024) 

English I didn't expect a groundbreaking film from Fede Alvarez that would push the boundaries of the genre and elevate the Alien theme to a new level. However, I secretly hoped he could rely on solid craftsmanship and create a functional genre film that would pay homage to the original series and overcome the bitter taste left by Ridley Scott's ambitious yet unfortunate attempts. With several reservations, I believe that as a summer genre flick meant for entertainment, Alvarez's work holds up. His approach clearly targets a young audience that drives movie theater attendance, and this is reflected in his choice of characters. The actors certainly don't perform poorly, but their characters are bland, and the chemistry between them is lacking. Alvarez doesn't attempt to bring an original auteur style, but instead continually winks at the series' fans, trying to evoke everything that once worked on screen. He successfully builds horror tension, particularly during the phase where a group of desperate individuals infiltrates an abandoned base, navigating through debris and exploring the unknown spaces of a giant wreck. However, since Alvarez is making a film for teenagers, he needs to accelerate the plot, even at the expense of basic logic and the legacy of the first installment. Facehuggers gain the speed of a racing motorcycle, and a human mutant transforms from a newborn into a giant creature within two minutes. Nevertheless, as an adventurous action sci-fi with good production design, the film reliably works. If I were to measure the film by the standards I apply to smart, top-tier productions, my rating would drop. But for what Romulus aims to be, it fulfills its purpose. Since my initial expectations were low and, not least, because film fans have very few reasons to visit the movie theater nowadays, I raise my final verdict to four stars and a 70% overall impression.


Love and Sex in India (2018) (TV movie) 

English Powerful not in concept, but in content and confrontation with Western lifestyles and values. It showcases a society rooted in traditions and a rigid caste system, which does not hesitate to harshly suppress liberal tendencies within relationships and family dynamics. Some passages offer a truly chilling account of the murder and torture of those who express a desire for personal happiness and freedom from religious and cultural rules. Overall impression: 90%.

Recent ratings (6,559)

The Outfit (2022)


Love and Sex in Russia (2020) (TV movie)


Vie privée (1962)


Love around the World (2021) (TV movie)


Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023)


Tokyo Vice (2022) (series)


Alien: Romulus (2024)


Venom (2018)


Love and Sex in India (2018) (TV movie)



Recent diary (2)

Moje topka za rok 2017

Je konec roku a čas bilancování, tak je dobré sestavit minižebříček toho nejzajímavějšího, co jsem viděl v letošním roce.


1. Blade Runner 2049: vizuálně podmanivý futuristický noir ze světa, ve kterém bych nechtěl žít, ale který bych chtěl jako divák navštěvovat častěji. Dospělý a nikoliv pitomý blockbuster.

2. Dunkerk: velkolepá válečná podívaná, která emancipuje pojmy heroismus a vlastenectví. Skvělý střih a promyšlená stavba scénáře.

3. Na shledanou tam nahoře: kultivovanost, silné téma, "smutný" humor, poetika a výtvarná stylizace.

4. To: důstojné zpracování zásadního románu z dílny hororového mága Stephena Kinga. Výborně vybraní dětští představitelé a především krásná Sophia Lillis. Držím palce, ať její talent v mašinérii šoubyznysu nezapadne.


1. Mindhunter: precizně natočený seriál o studii lidského chování se skvěle vymodelovanými postavami, kde hraji roli každý nenápadný detail.

2. Westworld: strhující výpravná mise do nepříliš vzdálené budoucnosti, s komplikovanou strukturou, myšlenkově provokativní, s humanistickým zaměřením, s nejednoznačnými postavami, skvěle obsazená a zrežírovaná

3. Babylon Berlin: ukázka, že i v Evropě je možné natočit výpravný seriál, který splňuje vysoké nároky quality TV produkce. Špinavý noir z výmarovského Německa roku 1929, kdy se vytvářelo podhoubí pro nástup nacismu.

4. Better Call Saul: I třetí série ukazuje, že když se sejde kvalitní scénář s výbornými herci, nemusí ani několik sezón znamenat jakýkoli sešup kvality. Podle mě je Better Call Saul poněkud podceňovaný, což je důsledkem kultovního statusu jeho předchůdce Breaking Bad. Chápu, že vyrovnávat se s jeho popularitou je nevděčné.