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Reviews (2,782)


Nightlife (2020) 

English Elyas M'Barek is a guarantee of quality in the field of German comedies, and even if Suck Me Shakespeer remains his biggest hit, this one is good as well. It has likeable characters, a good plot, it’s unexpectedly suspenseful at times, the finale delivers one decent twist, and in terms of humour, it might not be so loaded that it had me rolling on the floor with laughter, but it's classy – the highlight is probably the scene with the high geeks playing “Dungeons & Dragons”. Very funny, likeable and the romance is more than fine. 8/10.


Dead Silence (2007) 

English I had a rewatch after some years and liked it more than the first time. James Wan is undeniable, the make-up effects are great and the atmosphere is awesome. The jump-scares didn’t really work, but I had a good feeling about it. 7/10.


Help (2015) 

English A visually decent short with a nice monster and thanks to the 360° camera, you will find yourself immersed in that world itself, making the enjoyment all the more intense. 8/10.


GTA VR (2016) 

English Brilliant! GTA in the real world. Steven Ogg is wonderful. It's funny, it's got pizzazz, and the visuals are great. 8/10.


The Connection (2014) 

English Excellent French gritty crime drama with a retro 1970's look about a new judge in Marseille who goes up against organized crime, led by the great Gilles Lellouche. I wasn't bored, the pace is fine, there was some bloody action, the finale is quite shocking. France is great at making these films, and this gangster flick is no exception. 8/10.


Gantz: O (2016) 

English Incredible blast and a new favourite! This is more or less a film tailor-made movie. An ideal 90 minutes running time, action from start to finish, gore, monsters and breathtaking visuals, what more could you want. The story follows the main character, he is brutally murdered on the subway and wakes up in a sort of alternate reality/afterlife controlled by the computer Gantz, which outlines the rules of the game that is about to begin. So a group of people are sent out at night into the streets of the Japanese city of Osaka, where all sorts of monsters are running amok and the task is to survive and kill as many as possible. The plot is interesting if simple at the core, but thankfully that's not the point, because everything else is utter mayhem! The whole movie is in amazing CGI 3D Animation (kind of like Alita) and I can't remember a better CGI movie than this. Since it's not real, the imagination of the makers knows no bounds and they can more or less afford anything they want. I mean, all the women run around in latex and have nice firm tits, there are cool and inventive weapons, there’s plenty of gore, blood flowing in a stream through the streets of Osaka, and the monsters... Bugger me! I have no words. When the writer asked the director what kind of monsters he wanted in the film, the answer must have been “all of them!” There are about a hundred kinds of crazy monsters, it boggled my mind. The monster made up of naked female bodies is really freaky, but it looked gorgeous. Fans of games, action, violence and monsters will find their way here and there will be more than one orgasm while watching it, I can guarantee it. Story***, Action*****, Humor>No, Violence*****, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 9/10.


4 Mantan (2020) 

English A diligent thriller from Indonesia featuring a dead boyfriend, four ex-girlfriends and a mysterious letter claiming that one of the ex-girlfriends is the killer. The visuals are passable, the actors are not bad and the film surprises with brutality at times (there is one severed head and a couple of slit throats). However, the twist in the last quarter didn't sit too well with me, I believe it sounded good on paper but in the film it felt both a bit redundant and didn't really fit the original context. On the plus side, the short running time of 80 minutes passes fairly quickly, so as a one-off no problem, but nothing I haven't seen before. 6/10.


Traffic Department (2012) 

English Wojciech Smarzowski is another excellent Polish director (Volhynia, Clergy) and Traffic Department is another solid notch in his career. The story focuses in detail on the work of traffic cops and it's clear that it's a thankless job (gangsters, hookers, politicians, blackmail, bribes). When a member of the force dies and another is charged, a rather gripping and suspenseful ride starts and it doesn't let up until the end. It’s suspenseful, well acted and brutal in places (the scene with the bitten off penis where blood spurts all over the car is one I won't soon forget), and the finale is shocking enough. Great film. 8/10.


The Immortal (2018) 

English A crazy mix of genres from Vietnam and it makes for a very impressive film. I don't think I've ever seen genre switching like this in one film. At times the film is haunted house, followed by torture porn, followed by brutal martial arts, which further flips into survival drama with a romantic touch and there are also fantasy elements 😃 Anyway, an interesting film on reincarnation, black magic, immortality and the lust for power. The middle act is the best, the action is excellent, the fights are rough and the torture is passable. The scares aren't that effective, but what the hell, it's nicely shot, the pacing is fine, the story is original and the finale offers a rather challenging twist of philosophical proportions that you'll be thinking about for half an hour after the film is over. I haven't seen a film with a similar tone before and I have to say that I liked the director's vision and the critics did too, even if the film is not for everyone. Favourite scene: the branches going into the body of a man in a similar way as in the iconic scene from Evil Dead. Story****, Action****, Humor>No, Violence***, Funniness****, Music***, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7/10.


Cold Feet (2018) 

English An enjoyable romantic comedy about a burglar who breaks into the home of someone who has just suffered a stroke. He can't speak, is in a wheelchair, and his granddaughter, who thinks of the burglar as a nurse, arrives. Quite an imaginative and original story, reminiscent at times of the French cult-classic The Intouchables. In the first half the humour works quite well with a few daring scenes. The second one relies more on romance, but it’s not completely annoying thanks to the likeable characters. Watchable, nice, funny. 6.5/10.