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Reviews (2,782)


Moneyball (2011) 

English Brilliant. I enjoy the hell out of these sports biopic dramas, whether it's basketball (Hustle), tennis (King Richard and Borg/Mcenroe, skiing (Eddie the Eagle), figure skating (I Tonya), car racing (Le Mans 66 and Rush). Mow I'm adding baseball to the collection thanks to Moneyball. I'm also one of those who will probably never understand the game, but that doesn't matter here, the sport itself doesn't matter that much, as it is about the behind the scenes of managers and player trading, which I surprisingly enjoyed – selling people in a different way. The whole idea of putting together a team of players that no one trusts just based on computer stats is awesome. Brad Pitt is excellent as usual, Jonah Hill is also fine, and they carry the film. The well-written dialogue, a few unexpected twists, the great direction and a thrilling finale make this a nice piece of filmmaking as well as an entertaining sports movie. Really great. 8/10.


The Princess (2022) 

English A medieval martial arts B-movie, but relatively entertaining. The Princess is silly and a proper B-movie, and it is aware of that, so if you tune into that wave, it will hold up as a one-off. The story keeps it very simple, the princess doesn't want to marry a sociopath so she'd rather escape the tower on her own and have it out with all the guards. It wants to be a sort of variation on Die Hard and The Raid at the same time, which works at least because of the novel setting, but Joey King is neither Iko Uwais nor Bruce Willis, and unfortunately that's where it falls down for me, because I didn't believe the teenage actress with the badass role at all, and she's not convincing in action either. The film has a decent pace and is quite entertaining, but the action is only slightly above average (there could have been more gore ), no action scene evoked screams or excitement in me, not even sweat let alone adrenaline. Visually the film is average, you can tell it's a B movie (awful CGI fire), the actors are ordinary, and of course it's both naive and stupid, but that's what's expected. If the film was given a proper budget, better actors, a more experienced director and a better choreographer, it would have stood up as a hit even without a proper story, but as it is, it's a very forgettable B-movie, but not offensive for one viewing. Personally though, I don't see how an R-rated movie called Princess can show up in Disney, it will be a shock for unaware parents. Story 2/5. Action 3/5, Humor 2/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 3/5, Visuals 3/5, Atmosphere 2/5, Suspense 2/5, Emotion 1/5, Actors 2/5. 5.5/10.


Blind War (2022) 

English Action Mayhem from China!! A completely unknown and inexperienced director delivers an attractive, spectacular and wild action ride that has almost no competition from Asia this year. The film has quite an appealing story where the main character (Andy On, a beautiful comeback!) is the captain of a SWAT team and in a botched operation he loses his eyesight and then has his daughter kidnapped by a criminal organization dealing in people trafficking, specifically young girls. The protagonist, however, has excellent hearing (a bit like Daredevil) and even blindfolded, he is an awesome martial arts machine. There are some amazing characters, besides Andy Ono, who is not only likeable but also an excellent fighter, there’s the unknown Xing Yang (a Chinese Julie Estelle), who was sold into slavery and trained as an assassin from a young age, and she is a delight – she plays a downright twisted female character, a total nutcase, an emotionless killing machine who teams up with the protagonist to kick the ass of the criminal underworld. I like the team up of the blind hero and the twisted anti-hero, it’s an unprecedented pairing and it works well. There's plenty of action, hardly ever off the gas, lots of gunfights (rotary machine gun, shotgun), amazing fights – it’s quite unprecedented in a Hong-Kong production to have more punching than shooting, but it cuts to the chase with amazing choreography and awesome cinematography, accompanied by a thumping soundtrack that beautifully pumps adrenaline and euphoria into the viewer's blood. There are a few minor plot surprises and most of all, it's a lot of fun and a joy to watch. I never get tired of these R-rated action rides with high craftsmanship (a John Wick style finale!). I enjoyed it immensely and love this movie. It is a very strong showing from China that is close to a South Korean production. Story 4/5. Action 5/5, Humor 2/5, Violence 4/5, Fun 5/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 9/10.


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) 

English Nick Fuckin’ Cage is back! The 90's star actor hasn't made anything decent in years, he's found himself in B horror films a bit, which suits him better than the C actioners made by Willis, Gibson and other former stars. But this is a very enjoyable film where Cage plays himself, makes fun of himself and alludes to the shit he's bee making over the years. The film itself is nothing special. The story is simple, the action is mediocre and the humor is fine at times, but not as much as the premise calls for. But the feel good vibes, the joy of making movies, all the movie references to Cage's works (they're top notch) and starring again after a long time in a movie that isn't cheap crap is the best part of it all. I enjoyed Cage's relationship with Pedro Pascal, who also has a very interesting role; both of them give decent performances and bring out the best in each other. I enjoyed the allusion to the Agent Nicolas Cage sketch, those who have seen it will understand and that's what the film builds on. I should probably catch up with Paddington 2 in the near future ! Anyone who likes Nicolas should pay attention to this. 7/10.


Men (2022) 

English Alex Garland (Ex-Machina, Annihilation) tries his hand at folk Horror under the A24 banner and it's properly controversial and only for a fringe audience, but those who like his directorial style might find it to their liking. The story focuses on Jessie Buckley who, after the death of her husband, arrives in a remote village to come up with new ideas, but the magical surroundings and a naked man stalking her from afar give her more nightmares. Garland delivers quite an original mystery oddity full of metaphors, symbols, interesting dialogue, beautiful scenery and unconventional horror. Rory Kinnear is excellent, playing all the male characters in the film and being a proper weirdo and sleazeball (I can't remember a film where one actor played 20 different roles in one film), making Garland stand out again. The first hour is a lot of slow building but once Garland switches into horror mode he conjures up some interesting stunts (the hand ripped in half by a knife is impressive!). The atmosphere is cramped and at times uncomfortable and the final body horror sequence is downright glorious, one that even Cronenberg would not be ashamed of. I immediately thought of The Fly, Alien and the famous Zygote all rolled into one. Garland built the film on the mythology surrounding the Green Man and it's quite similar to the recent Gaia from Africa. Story 4/5. Action 2/5, Humor 0/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 2/5, Actors 4/5. 7/10.


The Man from Toronto (2022) 

English Funny action buddy comedy and my guilty pleasure. I love these genre films, and Patrick Hughes (The Hitman's Bodyguard) is a great fit for me. Of course, this movie doesn't have an appealing plot, it's silly and not everything makes sense, but it's a popcorn flick with all the trimmings and I had fun and even laughed out loud, so it’s only for people who seek out similar genre flicks, the rest can skip it. Woody Harrelson impressed me very much in the role of an infamous killer with emotions, a past and a character – these roles are tailor made for him so, as usual, he enjoys ot very much. Kevin Hart is just Kevin Hart, his humour either suits you or doesn't, for most people he is annoying and insufferable, I respect him as a comedian and his style suits me, so the two complement each other decently. There are a lot of cool lines and funny situations that I liked, but I was also pleased with the action itself, though it’s hurt by the PG-13, because the action scene in the gym with the chainsaw, crossbow, axes could have been a proper carnage, but at least it was a fun and spectacular with decent choreography and decent fights (the fight with the Man from Miami was also top). The film has a fast pace, flows well and fulfilled its purpose of entertaining the viewer for me. Story 3/5. Action 4/5, Humour 5/5, Violence 1/5, Fun 5/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 7.5/10


Man vs. Bee (2022) (series) 

English Incredibly awesome! On the one hand traditional there’s the Mr. Bean and the expected comedy ride full of absurdities and unreal coincidences, on the other hand I feel it’s more than just comic bullshit. I definitely have to praise the most high-tech house I've ever seen in a movie (maybe even in my life), heavy futuristic modernization of everything, where without a manual you can't even move in it (exploring the whole house was incredibly fun and fascinating for me). Then there's the two-hour intense duel between man and animal (here with insects) which makes it the most entertaining animal attack ever. At times there’s an absurdly intense music that turns the film into a downright thriller with a few jump-scares, then of course there's the brutal survival, and also a home invasion with a touch of Irreversible fate. Fuck Yeah! I didn't expect that. The bee/bumblebee is a very intelligent and calculating creature! The scene in the bathroom, with the piano and the initial visit from the policeman, I felt like I died and came back to life. I loved that there are iconic Mr. Bean scenes, the ones that made him famous, as I grew up watching him, so a nice surprise. 8/10


Elvis (2022) 

English A great film, I certainly didn't expect a flop. It was clear from the first trailer that this was going to be a powerful, emotional, charged and entertaining spectacle that might even go for the Oscars. Austin Butler as Elvis is great, Tom Hanks is unrecognizable but also excellent, the music is of course awesome (all the performances are great), the dialogues are good, and the story managed to surprise several times. There was also the traditional troubles that belong to rising stars like the looming jail time. However I'm a bit sorry that the film isn’t R-rated, and there was no room for drugs and a bit of that wild nightlife, but probably the makers just wanted to show it in the best light. I'd fault the longer running time, but otherwise solid. 8/10.


Watcher (2022) 

English A solid old school paranoid psycho thriller with a touch of Hitchcock. I usually find genre films with a similar concept to be mediocre, but Watcher managed to win me over with something despite its slow pace. The attractive and well-acted Maika Monroe moves to Bucharest to visit her husband, but he spends most of the day at work, so the main character has to spend most of her time alone and Bucharest is not exactly an ideal place to spend your free time. The film also works well because of the setting, where the main character tries to fit in in an unfamiliar city where she knows no one, most of the people are sketchy, there is a serial killer who hangs out in the city and cuts women's heads off, and she is stalked by her next door neighbour. Apparently Romania is a country without curtains, and thanks to the big windows overlooking all the neighbours, it manages to evoke the right uncomfortable feelings. An honest, authentic, realistic and chilling slow burn with excellent craftsmanship, a great female lead, a good bad guy, an intense final half hour (the metro is atmospheric awesome), and an awesome finale! You can say that the film could have brought some more fundamental twist, but I'm still surprisingly satisfied with the quality this time. Story 3/5. Action 2/5, Humor 0/5, Violence 2/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5, Emotion 3/5, Actors 4/5. 7/10


Crimes of the Future (2022) 

English Surgery is the new sex! Horror maestro David Cronenberg returns to the genre that made him famous (body horror) after a few years and creates an interestingly twisted world with a strong philosophical overlay, thoughtful dialogue, decent casting, a novel point and idea, and there are a few enjoyable disgusting bit. Again, people ran out of theaters in America, but this is again overhyped and definitely had more potential given the premise, but I liked it relatively. It's very strange though, with a touch of arthouse, a slower pace, and not many outright horror scenes, but the world itself managed to keep me glued to my seat and wondering what would come of it. Viggo Mortensen is very good, Léa Seydoux shows up naked so all is well, and Kristen Stewart has a smaller and very weird role. You can see Cronenberg's signature, some of the futuristic ideas deserve a chapter to themselves, and the whole organ swapping idea is impressive (the dissection of a small child is the most interesting, but the drill in the head and the hybrid with the ears are also cool). The guts and dissection are quite enjoyable, but there can't be much talk of atmosphere or proper gore. A strange film, hard to rate, there are things I enjoyed a lot, but the pacing could have been better and the horror side could have been given more space. For a fringe audience only. We are making art out of anarchy. Story 4/5. Action 2/5, Humor 1/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 3/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5, Emotion 2/5, Actors 4/5. 6/10.