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Reviews (2,883)


Fight Club (1999) 

English The Fuck the system thing is okay, with a satirical undertone and plenty of references as well. No one can deny David Fincher's technical skill and thematic originality, but the philosophy misses the mark. A person can really be whatever they want, as long as they do what they should. But I understand that the masses are thrilled by it, how could they not, everything that is missing in other movies is here, or the other way around.


Blade: Trinity (2004) 

English Overall, Blade Trinity is decently shot and edited action entertainment that won't offend, but it doesn't show anything new. On one hand, it's a pity because David S. Goyer could have squeezed a lot more from it, but considering the flaws of threequels, at least it turned out like this.


Saints and Soldiers (2003) 

English Maybe an overly human and psychological war film, whose biggest problem is its content. There is a lack of a stronger story, so the viewer will be mostly bored throughout. The actors do a fairly good job, but their characters are not well-defined, so even though they try hard, they come off more like figurines. On the other hand, the visual aspect is precise, but all those camera filters, handheld camera, and fast cuts are practically useless without a proper script.


Godsend (2004) 

English This project would have benefited from a better and more experienced director – which Nick Hamm definitely is not, his direction is purely technical. From the beginning up to about two thirds through, practically nothing much happens in the film, and all the explanations, including the twist, are rushed at us in the final few minutes, and the film ends surprisingly early.


Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) 

English Action scenes lack imagination, pace, dynamics, they are very hastily edited and mostly just boring. Alexander Witt doesn't know where to go, and he ends up drowning in the putrid waters of typical B-movie production.


Ladder 49 (2004) 

English The basic storyline is divided into two parts: the present (a huge fire in a building – perfectly shot, by the way) and the retrospectively narrated past, when the director introduces us to the past of Jack Morrison – the main hero of the story. But these two parts do not fit together very well and they feel like a weakly assembled puzzle. Throughout movie, there are only a few scenes that can captivate a person and somehow touch their heart. The rest is nothing but a cliché seen a thousand times over.


The Fan (1996) 

English Ridley Scott's direction is, as always, dynamic and his camera tricks look good, but the script in this case is very weak, and the story itself is actually nonsense. I didn't like Wesley Snipes at all (where is his charisma from the Blade series), and Robert De Niro has such a terrible role that the creators might not have been serious about it.


Man on Fire (2004) 

English In order for someone to really like this movie, they probably have to be a fan of Tony Scott in the first place. It has dynamic directing, sharp and lively cinematography, fast editing, blending of colors, and many other directorial tricks that the fans will enjoy, and basically it doesn't matter what the plot is about.


Before Sunset (2004) 

English The cleverly written dialogues are brilliantly delivered by both Ethan Hawke and his partner Julie Delpy. The film avoids sentimentality and romantic clichés, it captivated me with its simplicity and naturalness, while remaining interesting every second.


Matchstick Men (2003) 

English I wish Ridley Scott would make a proper history drama again, that's his strength. He should live conversational movies to someone else.