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Reviews (2,333)


Anger Management (2003) 

English As easygoing entertainment, it’s fine, but very disappointing given the stellar cast and the otherwise capable Peter Segal. I like Sandler a lot and I think he's a good actor when someone makes him act, and I adore Nicholson, he's the best actor ever for me, but things didn't quite come together here. Both are supposed to play to their standard, and they do, but the stupid script, including the creepy twist, knocks their entertaining performance into the realm of annoying self-parody (especially in Nicholson's case). What's more, there's an absence of imaginative dialogue humour, which is supplanted by silly emotional outbursts or cheesy slapstick, however excellent is the fight with the pious J.C. Reilly, for instance. It’s okay to watch once and a decent 3*.


Next (2007) 

English The premise is definitely attention worthy, as is Nicolas Cage with his Robert Langdon haircut, the delicious Jessica Biel and a good portion of technically brilliant and well thought out action scenes. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that more could have been squeezed out of it, that the bad guys weren't worth much and that the last two minutes should have been deleted from the script altogether. But given Cage's "form" in recent years, I think that's a bit much to ask... 3.5*


Mean Machine (2001) 

English Comedy? Drama? Hard to say because Mean Machine is absolutely unable to decide what direction it wants to go. Whether an intimate drama interwoven with a strong football element, or simply an entertaining, unpretentious respite that won't be slowed down by cold-blooded guards and corrupt directors. In the end, it’s something in between: neither entertaining enough to get the viewer properly hyped and ready for the final match, nor imaginative enough to make me want to watch it again someday and make the most of the great cast. The only thing that really adorns the film is the football itself in all its amateurish glory, and the total nutcase Jason Statham, whose goalkeeping skills and courage would surely be appreciated even by the legendary Lev Yashin. Segal’s The Longest Yard is a few levels above in every sense.


The Fog (1980) 

English Exactly the kind of horror I always welcome. The tension is so thick you could cut it, with mysterious characters appearing in an impenetrable and unstoppable fog, and a perfectly chosen score – simply John Carpenter at the peak of his game, having a proper and solid warm-up before the legendary The Thing. The story is nothing to write home about, but the disturbing aroma advancing together with the frightening fog cloud makes up for everything several times over :-) A horror classic that definitely deserves due respect...


Black Cat, White Cat (1998) 

English This atypical work is difficult to evaluate, because to fully appreciate it, you probably need to at least partially understand the life attitudes and peculiar mind of the proud Gypsy nation. As I watched the film, desperately trying to navigate the frantic editing and peculiar dialogue, I realised more and more that I will probably never have any understanding for their nature. An interesting premise, fine actors and a really great soundtrack, but if Emir Kusturica wanted to suggest something specific with this grotesque, it unfortunately failed to reach my ears and eyes. 60%


Psycho (1960) 

English Hitchcock was a peculiar and unique personality, the likes of which will probably never be born again. His Psycho is an example of perfect symbiosis between direction, cinematography and music, which leaves such a strong and deep impression that the viewer is forced to replay the story over and over again long after its end. And what comes to mind is perhaps not even necessary to repeat. Firstly, the chilling and disturbing atmosphere that stretches across the frame like a morning mist over a calm pond. Secondly, Bernard Herrmann's legendary score, which perhaps couldn't have been better and is the main reason why the famous bathroom scene is still considered a symbol of flawless horror. And finally, the truly insane Anthony Perkins and the aforementioned cinematography, thanks to which even the sight of a lonely dark house causes unpleasant chills. Yet, I hesitate to give a full rating. The ravages of time have taken their toll and Hitchcock's signature, however admirable and refined, will never represent my ideal, not only in film, but in horror as well.


Hotel Transylvania (2012) 

English I've already said it many times, but I'll repeat it: there can never be enough of these cool, fresh and fun animated films, and I hope the day never comes when I stop liking them. Hotel Transylvania is really top-notch not only in terms of the comfort prepared for vampires, werewolves, mummies, and Steins from all over the world, but above all because it manages to grab your heart as a cute movie full of even cuter characters, whose life attitudes made the whole packed theatre (about 13 people) laugh out loud. I certainly don't regret the money I spent at the cinema, on the contrary, I am very happy that the themes for a quality animated film have expanded a bit again and the creators have shown that we certainly have nothing to fear in this direction in the coming years. 80%


Meet the Spartans (2008) 

English Another entry in a series of modern, wannabe funny parodies whose stupid humour often surpasses even the worst and craziest expectations. I didn't like Snyder's 300 at all, This is Sparta! at least has a sexy Carmen Electra, a few more or less funny references and a truly evil Xerxes. Otherwise, horror, misery and stupidity in every way...


Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995) 

English Like a seesaw. Some passages are brilliant even after repeated viewings, and the cast, including Brooks, is flawless, but I still can't shake the feeling that much, much more juicy blood could have been sucked out of the material. But that's Brooks for you, he has a divine talent for comedy, but he often seems to tread on it, putting himself unnecessarily in the position of a mere lascivious, incompetent provocateur. Still funnier and more tasteful than the incomprehensibly cult-classic Blazing Saddles...


Home Alone (1990) 

English This is a Christmas classic in every sense. Anyone who hasn’t seen it is as if they didn’t exist, and anyone who isn't amused by the thieves Pesci and Stern and a house full of ‘sophisticated’ traps, has no sense of humour. Some of the scenes have lost their charm with the years, and I don’t find the whiny Macaulay Culkin as likeable as I used to, but in Columbus's family rendition, the film is still incredibly relaxing, cult-classic entertainment that I revisit every year.