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Reviews (10,817)


Single AF (2018) 

English Watching the American film Single AF, I found myself thinking almost the entire time that I hope I'm simply one of the few people watching, that many other people won't have to suffer watching this film. I think I’m right, because the film simply doesn't have the ambition to go anywhere, to appeal to even a small group of people. The filmmakers made what they wanted, but this is not in any way interesting for others.


The Slayer (1982) 

English The American film The Slayer definitely has something to offer even after all these years. The atmosphere of the film is very unpleasant, dark, and mysterious. The characters may not suit everyone, but the unfolding of the story isn't bad at all and has great sequences. Especially the nightmares are done very well. The Slayer is exactly one of those films you hope to stumble upon at some point. Forgotten, but good.


The Hatching (2017) 

English I liked the British horror film The Hatching because it's made with exaggeration. While it's not a great comedy - it's not even a great horror movie - it's kind of made for the viewer. I mean this in the sense that it doesn't take itself seriously, it doesn't want to come up with something groundbreaking, but it's also not a boring watch. It's a decent average film with a proper crocodile.


The Last Sect (2006) 

English The Canadian wannabe vampire horror film The Last Sect is an example of how bad blood-sucking monster movies are. A bit of blood, but mostly a lot of dialogue. That's all. It doesn't really have much to offer in terms of action either. This is a film that is so average that it surprises you. There's nothing about it that you will remember. And it’s also not very sexy.


The She-Butterfly (1973) (TV movie) 

English Even if it doesn't seem so at first glance, The She-Butterfly is an interesting horror film that builds on symbolism on the one hand, but also on a certain literalness on the other, which is surprising especially in terms of the gore. Yes, this film is unpleasantly gory in places, and the bite really hurts here. Yugoslavian horror doesn't have a rich tradition, but this is an interesting example of how things were there.


Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) 

English It’s a bad idea to make Lake Placid: Legacy, which is obviously a film in a series that deals with a killer crocodile that is a really big beast, and not use the minimum of scenes where the crocodile actually appears. It's absolutely tragic. This isn't a movie about surprising us with what is killed. We've known that all along. This is a film that is, in the end, a pretty shoddy job.


Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (1982) 

English When you watch Piranha II: The Spawning you have to want to watch a film that doesn't take itself seriously, that isn't a big spectacle, but is simply a small B-movie that impresses mainly with underwater scenes that are well shot. And also pleasant, sexy nudity, where I was captivated by beautiful, natural women who were not yet burdened by plastic surgery. I’ve been into that in recent times.


Dead Rising: Endgame (2016) 

English With the American film Dead Rising: Endgame you get a classic action horror sequel. Trying to bring back a well-established character, build him up a bit (I don't think that aspect was particularly successful), but mainly to continue the action spectacle. It's done well, but it's not as original and it doesn't have the same drive as the first film. But it is enough to be average and it can keep you entertained for a while.


Abominable (2006) 

English The American horror film Abominable is an enjoyable B-movie that I enjoyed for its simplicity and directness. As an added bonus, there's an effort to show some pretty nasty scenes that work both visually and in terms of special effects. They're simply filmed well. I didn't expect much from such a film and I thought it would be a dud. However, sometimes filmmakers want to make a B-movie the right way. And that is a good thing.


The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972) 

English The Italian film The Case of the Bloody Iris is a very enjoyable giallo that is not as mysterious as the filmmakers would have liked, but you still end up sticking it out until the end to see who the killer is revealed to be. Eventually, the killer is indeed revealed. And the camera revolves around the beautiful main character the whole time. Edwige is very nice to look at. She manages to carry the film brilliantly on her own.