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Reviews (10,817)


Funny Games (2007) 

English Michael Haneke made a good film and he knew it had to be a good film. There's excellent psychological play here; it's immensely depressing, and the scene with the remote control enhances the feeling that there's no escape. This is the strongest aspect of the film. But it's also just a rehash of what he's already done. And with the new version, it didn't add anything extra to it. He just got it overseas to a wider audience.


Robin Hood (1973) 

English A classic tale of Robin Hood, only with the twist that Robin Hood is a fox and all the other characters are animals. Of course, even Lady Marian is a fox, because otherwise, it could be quite creepy, so the evil sheriff, who is not a fox, can't have her... It's not very memorable; it's just occasionally humorous and brings a laugh here and there.


On the Double (1961) 

English Danny Kaye convinced me with this that he was truly a great comedian, and it's a pity that he's not as well-known here. Or at least I didn't know him. He didn't overdo it unnecessarily, if it wasn't necessary, he could handle more serious scenes excellently and even musical numbers, for example. Unfortunately, the film relies only on them; the rest is mostly just filler.


Immortal Beloved (1994) 

English It's a little weak. For a film about Beethoven, it has two main strengths. The first is Beethoven's music itself, the second is Gary Oldman. Unfortunately, none of the ladies or other actors help drive the film, and the revelation of the truth about who Beethoven's property is intended for isn't as interesting and thrilling as you would hope.


CHiPs (2017) 

English I like buddy movies, but with this one, I felt that the buddy element doesn't really work and that the characters are somewhat forcibly thrust into it, relying only on clichés, occasionally seasoned with quite harsh injuries that help the film along. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes not at all. And the story is one big cliché.


How to Steal a Million (1966) 

English Audrey Hepburn and Peter O'Toole are such a great couple that you can forgive them for just goofing off at times. In fact, those moments can be even more enjoyable than the whole saga surrounding the theft of the statue. It's funny, it has a nice pace for its length, but it's still those two main actors who impress the most.


Altitude (2017) 

English Is Denise Richards, a tough cop who gets transferred because she doesn't follow orders, the only one who can save the hijacked airplane? Why not? Stranger things have happened. Dolph Lundgren as the bad guy? Well, certainly, it's just such a shame that he's so sidelined here. Nothing groundbreaking, but for me, it was enough to meet the average in the action genre.


A Date with Miss Fortune (2015) 

English While the characters in this film are quite likable, you actually find that it's just another romantic film that has a slight hint of what could be a comedy at times. It doesn't quite reach that level, but at least you wish the duo well and hope things turn out all right for them. And it's gonna turn out how? Oh, you know.


Videocracy (2009) 

English Sure, at first glance, it's quite shallow, and it criticizes what Berlusconi managed to do with Italian television and how far he got. After all, the power of propaganda is evident here, and even after the experience with Hitler, it has not diminished. At least Berlusconi didn’t make such a mess. Still, it is amazing how long he was in power. But the film doesn't emphasize that as much.


Victoria (2015) 

English The film definitely has a good pace and the characters are quite intense, plus it develops maybe a little differently than you expect at first glance. It's a ride, almost in real time, with an interesting camera and interesting editing. However, it didn't manage to engage me in a way that I would outright admire the film.