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Reviews (10,817)


Gone, Baby, Gone (2007) 

English Do you remember Ben Affleck? Definitely, yes, his star hasn't fallen, quite the opposite. He is the actor that many people couldn't stand precisely because of how he acts/doesn't act. However, he managed to win an Oscar. Not surprisingly, for the screenplay of the movie "Good Will Hunting". It turned out that he is not only a great screenwriter but also an excellent director. His first success was precisely the film "Gone Baby Gone", for which he also wrote the screenplay. If something speaks to you in the movie, then it is love for the city. Not the beautiful things that are shown to tourists, but love for the city as it is. "Gone Baby Gone" is not a detective story, it is mainly focused on one person who seeks justice at any cost. The law is the law, and even though his methods are very harsh, his language is not refined, and his age is young, he always seeks the truth at any cost. A great, powerful story about a child abduction, a brilliant ending, and unexpectedly good performances by the actors. Maybe it's because an actor who becomes a director knows what he wants from actors. More:


Bridge to Terabithia (2007) 

English I told myself that it would be nice to watch a nice fairytale story again. Well, that's exactly what I got. A beautiful fairytale story where reality intertwines with the incredible, similar to the movie "Big Fish". It certainly doesn't reach the quality of Burton's brilliant film "Terabithia", but the child actors' performances are what really hold it together. The imagination aspect is not that great, but still, it's supposed to be a child's imagination, so it can have its limitations. The film tries to shock with one big moment, which it succeeds in, but the consequences for the heroes are not that significant. It's true that I wanted a happy ending, but I'm glad that something similar didn't happen. Don't show it to children, they could be very sad. More:


Evan Almighty (2007) 

English The biggest disappointment this week. At least according to what I saw. Jim Carrey is a brilliant comedian, Steve Carrell showed that comedy can be a problem for him. He just yells for half of the movie and can't believe what's happening, and in the second half of the movie, he convinces people that he's actually a new Noah. "Divine Evan" appeals to politicians, to our behavior towards nature, to everything we do wrong. He makes fun of it, but the film isn't funny, it tackles serious topics, yet you can't swallow it when birds are pooping everywhere. The digital animals aren't impressive, just like the other effects. The film lacks humor and has a long way to go to teach us something. No, this is just bad. A comedy that died because someone didn't read the script. More:


Bedtime Stories (2008) 

English Adam Sandler in his weaker form, where the imaginativeness of the story saves what is lacking in humor. Sandler is more restrained because the story is aimed at children, which means that adults won't enjoy it as much. Still better than "Jack and Jill" though. The supporting characters and figures are great, adding depth to the plot. The problem is that the film follows a pattern and ends with some moral lesson. Additionally, a lot of time is spent watching the same scenes, just performed differently each time. As I said, the imagination of the fairy tales is nice, but if you don't like Sandler, this won't convince you to seek him out. More:


Fimfarum – The Third Time Lucky (2011) 

English If all three films titled "Fimfárum" were put together, it would create a great work where different forms of animation would alternate, great stories would be presented, and it would be an experience. The third "Fimfárum" is not the same as the first one, it is running out of breath and the animation is not bad, but it is no longer as inventive. Instead, it plays on subtle jokes that don't really sit well with me in relation to Werich. There is nothing to criticize about the fairy tales themselves, they are simply unique. Werich is also a brilliant narrator, and you believe his own jokes. A nice experience that adults will take away more from than children. More:


Machine Gun Preacher (2011) 

English Excellent Czech title, but let it be. "The Preacher Kalashnikov" is exactly the kind of film that will make you think about whether you should consider adopting a little black boy from Africa from a distance. But then you will say to yourself whether it is actually worth it when there is a fairly high probability that he will be shot as a child. The strength of the film lies in its foundation, which is the real life of one person and his convictions. Gerard Butler - the main reason why I sought out the film - proves that he can act. You believe his tough pose, love for neighbor, and the anger he carries within himself. As a macho killer, he is probably the least believable, but it comes with the territory. The film is not as powerful as, for example, some documentary from Africa, but it definitely has nothing to be ashamed of. It will attack your emotions, it will shock you. It happens in Africa and we do nothing about it. When attention is drawn to it, maybe at least one person will rise up and want to help. That is enough. The film does not unnecessarily exploit, it makes sense. More:


Carnage (2011) 

English The theater play has made it to the big screen. It's nothing unusual, it has happened often in the past. For example, classic Universal horror movies were originally theater plays. "God of Carnage" is a new play that I had the chance to see on stage. I still remember it. Roman Polanski didn't do anything else but transfer the play to the screen. He managed with only four characters and created a drama that criticizes society, our dependence on communication technologies, and our inability to communicate. The performances are great, you can't find fault with them, but it is still mainly a theater play that doesn't bring anything new in its film adaptation. On the other hand, the performance is more magical in the theater, especially when half of the audience in České Budějovice was right on the stage. In the movie, it's just a repeated experience that doesn't stand out in any significant way, but it also doesn't disappoint. More:


Hugo (2011) 

English I was really looking forward to "Hugo", although I have to say that I was really surprised by how many Oscar nominations this film received. It was quite clear that Martin Scorsese wouldn't receive any awards for himself, the Academy doesn't favor him. However, the film is really worth it. It's a beautiful fairytale excursion into history. The story is based - at least partially - on real historical figures and mainly on the history of cinema. It's a celebration of film, its first steps, but mainly a glorification of one great man who was a pioneer of film in his time. Martin Scorsese gave this beautiful story a solid direction, humor, characters that one can relate to, and the magic that maybe was missing in such a "Tintin". The film has excellent characters, both Sacha Baron Cohen, who has to redeem himself in the end, and the child characters who rule the film. It's a pleasant family show that moves you, doesn't offend, but you won't be cheering either. Plus points for Chloë Grace Moretz and Christopher Lee. More:


P.S. I Love You (2007) 

English This movie was pure emotional manipulation, but I didn't mind at all. Strong emotions hit the viewer from the second scene and there are plenty of them. It surprised me even more when Hilary Swank played the ending, as if she didn't really care. However, the great characters make up for it, and for me personally, Gerard Butler is a bonus. Maybe a bit showy, but this Scot can act, and he's good in comedies. He once again proved his comedic talent here. I know, it's not just a comedy, and sometimes you won't laugh at all, but it's also not a drama the whole time. The story has its lighter moments and sometimes turns into a German romantic film, but as a whole, it works quite well. It's just a pity that some characters are not developed enough and are completely neglected in the second half. For more information:


In Time (2011) 

English I expected a lot from this movie. At first, I thought it might have been directed by Duncan Jones, who was behind the great films "Source Code" and "Moon", but it wasn't. Well, it was noticeable. The plot is not bad. Time has become money and people kill each other to steal their time from one another because it allows them to live forever and look twenty-five. What happens when you are poor your whole life, but suddenly find out that your life will last longer than a century? Well, someone will definitely notice. The film unnecessarily relies on chases and running instead of further developing an interesting idea and playing with it. The second half is basically just an action film that halted the promising sci-fi. Justin and Amanda work well together and hold the film together, but I was really expecting more. It's a shame to waste such a great idea. More: