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Reviews (129)


What Maisie Knew (2012) 

English As a childless woman, I have no right to judge parents – how they care for their children, how they raise them, what they say to them and what they confide in them. But no one can tell me that there aren’t people who shouldn't have children at all. The way both parents drag their daughter into their relationship, the way they badmouth each other in front of her, the way they confide things that the child shouldn't hear, that really made me sick, not to mention their total irresponsibility – the way they shuffle little Maisie between them and how they put all the responsibility on their new partners. In the end, it turns out that these two, strangers in a way (in the sense that they are not real family), the former nanny and the young bartender, are much better parents for Maisie than the biological ones. In general, it's all well acted, but it's clear that the star of the screen is little Onata Aprile, whom everyone would want as a daughter. She is so adorable, intelligent, funny, sensitive, you just hope she will end up in good hands; in the hands of people who will love her more than themselves, and who will give her the love she deserves.


Anthropoid (2016) 

English As a Czech, my heart skipped a beat when I heard that one of the great stories of our little country was going to be made into a film by a foreign production, with a cast that includes Cillian Murphy, Toby Jones, and Jamie Dornan (those who’ve seen him other than in Fifty Shades of Grey know that he is not a bad actor). Sean Ellis did not have an easy task and it is natural that the Czech audience will judge the film more strictly. The first half is a bit slower and slightly forgettable compared to the second half. On the way back from the screening, I had to force myself to remember what actually took place there. I didn't mind the Czech accent, I got used to it very quickly. What I found strange, though, is that some of the actors spoke British English while others spoke English with a Czech accent. But I have to agree with what other reviews say, that Gabčík and Kubiš really come across as if they were foreigners in their homeland. In my opinion, the reason is the supporting Czech cast (Geislerová, Mihulová, Zach, Budař...). They are familiar faces for the Czech public and therefore, when Murphy and Dorman are seen together with them on the screen, the two protagonists feel like foreigners. At least that’s the way I see it. I didn't like the vague work with time – when Cillian says they've been preparing for the attack for four months, it's a bit of a shock, as is Kubiš and Kovárníková's engagement (they've been dating for like two days?). Not to mention the second half of the film, where from the assassination to the final showdown in the church, you get the feeling that it could have been two days at most, when in reality it was three weeks. But that would be the end of my complaints. Anthropoid, especially the second half, evoked a range of emotions in me: from pride and admiration to horror and sadness, and even hope. Even though you know how it's going to end, you're hoping for a miracle and a different ending to the story than the one we know – it’s almost like watching Titanic hoping it won’t sink :) So, after a long time, I left the cinema devastated. This is due to the story itself but also to some brutal scenes that I didn't expect at all. Sean Ellis didn't mess around with some of the scenes, something I appreciate, because many directors today shoot very carefully. I found the film, apart from a few quibbles, to be very good and would happily watch it again, and I hope a lot of people will watch it abroad. It is a story that deserves attention and deserves to be known and not forgotten.


Inferno (2016) 

English Those who have read the book will likely be very disappointed. The search for a (non)treasure feels too simple. The book is, of course, more extensive in terms of discovering hidden ciphers and explaining their nature. It also goes much deeper in the portrayal of the characters – the fact that Langdon is rescued by a doctor who happens to have similar knowledge to him and immediately figures out everything as he does is very cheesy. The deciphering of the codes is too fast and overall it seems almost secondary, but this should be the main essence of the film, it's probably what the audience enjoys the most. Here you have no choice but to nod and say “okay, if you say so”. On the other hand, I understand that not everything can fit in a film. As an action movie it's not bad, but for one completely unnecessary extra romantic line and the ending, I'm going down one star.


Once (2007) 

English I first watched Once in 2012 or so and turned it off after half an hour because I wasn't enjoying it. Today, almost five years later, I decided to give it a second chance, what the hell was wrong with me then that I didn't finish it? Rarely do I come across a film that is so endearing that it puts a smile on my face the whole time I'm watching it. I was already partially familiar with the soundtrack and I have to say that every song is a gem. The melodies are warm, they are a treat for the soul, with lyrics written by life itself. It's exactly the kind of music I like, so I can't wait to put it on for work tomorrow. Once confirms that there’s beauty in simplicity.


Swiss Army Man (2016) 

English I wonder if I've ever seen a weirder film and... no, I don't think so. This weird film about friendship, love and conventions probably won't suit everyone, I myself spent two hours pondering how many stars to award; there was probably too much farting for me. :-) What I have to appreciate, though, is that after the scene of Daniel's bare ass farting as a propulsion for the awesome frolicking at sea, I would not have expected anything else to impress me. And yet, the bus ride and Manny making contact with Sarah was beautiful. Otherwise, both actors deliver solid performances. This is probably the first time I've seen Paul Dano play anyone other than a creepy or sleazy bad guy, and it's a nice change for me. I expected a good performance from Daniel Radcliff, as he is the only one of the central trio of Hogwarts apprentices to break out of his role as a wizard in The Woman in Black and ceased to be Harry Potter for me after the last part of the saga. His deadpan expressions are fabulous, especially the expression of the happy corpse. So in the end, and even though the film has a lot of nice moments, I can't give it more than 3 stars because it left me with a lot of mixed feelings and because it was just weird :-)


The Mission (1986) 

English Nobody makes films like this these days. The Mission is perfect in every aspect, the story itself is very strong and is underscored by the beautiful scenery and cinematography, the amazing performances and of course the unforgettable music. Only Ennio Morricone can compose a melody that so perfectly portrays the elements of the earth, nature and the very nature of man. His music, like the landscape of South America, is harmonious, peaceful, but also unbridled and treacherous. Underneath its sound, all that cruelty seems unnecessary and absurd. Don't delay in watching this film as long as I did, you won't be disappointed.


Hungry Hearts (2014) 

English Don't be fooled by the cute and comical beginning, this is definitely not going to be funny. I'm sure it's problematic in a relationship when one partner is going crazy and the other is trying to work through it. But this takes on a whole new dimension when it happens to a mother who, because of her beliefs, seriously endangers the health of her own child during pregnancy and its first months. Well, I think it's all too harmful. Towards the end, the cinematography makes the film look almost horrific, the social system in the USA looks unreal and absurd, and you just wonder how this will end – to my surprise, unexpectedly. I have nothing to fault the actors, Alba Rohrwacher is terrifying in the calmness and non-violence with which she plays her insanity, and Adam Driver, he rises with every role for me.


Half Nelson (2006) 

English Films set in schools are some of my favourites, so I was looking forward to seeing Half Nelson. Unfortunately, though, I was very disappointed. The story itself is nothing special and therefore I would have expected at least a better portrayal of the characters, but I couldn't grasp their thoughts or emotions and I was unable to empathise with the protagonists. Even Gosling, whose performance is superb as always, didn’t win me over. There was no emotion coming out of this film and therefore I didn't feel anything either, except a lot of boredom. The only good thing I found is the point of view. Films like The class, Freedom Writers, Dangerous Minds, Detachment, point to systemic problems, problems of discipline, racism, failed integration, whether in the classroom or in society, and they also point to the plight of teachers who face daily disinterest and apathy on the part of their students, and sooner or later question whether their mission is worthwhile. Half Nelson is different, discipline is not the problem, the students are not the problem, the teacher is the problem. He tries to protect his student from the world of drugs, even though he himself is on a runaway train. That's not a bad theme at all, but in my opinion it was not very well handled.


The Hidden Face (2011) 

English The Hidden Face has only one flaw, the trailer. I envy those who managed to see it without being attracted by the trailer. It spoils everything. Imagine that the trailer of The Sixth Sense revealed that the character of Bruce Willis... You know what... It would still be a great film, but it would spoil the surprise and some of the tension. Nevertheless, the premise of the film is original and novel. At times I found the behaviour of the main female characters a bit illogical and unlikely, but it doesn't change the rating. Anyway, the main character deserves a good slap for her actions. I would sum it up with the saying: he who digs another man's hole...