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Reviews (1,159)


Revenge (2011) (series) 

English It took me a while to fall in love with Emily. Now, on the other hand, I'm glad she got the part. She's got the desire for revenge and handles all situations with poise. The thoughtful and surprising storyline had me immediately engrossed. That's what I call revenge! And of course I'm rooting for Emily. 4.5 stars.


Jack and Jill (2011) 

English Unfortunately, we haven't seen many good comedies in the last few years. Plus with the Dugan and Sandler duo, you never know, one up, the next down. It's a shame it didn't quite work out this time. While Sandler handled both roles well, the script could have been more polished. Fortunately, the humor stays fairly intelligent and doesn't stoop to cheap jokes. Aside from a few good laughs, I was most entertained by the real-life footage at the beginning and the end. 3 stars.


The Butterfly Effect (2004) 

English The psycho beginning aside, this is a nice and sensual film. However, I was quite confused in the first few minutes and had absolutely no idea who was getting the beating. Then it got clearer and I couldn't stop staring. Ashton Kutcher played like we haven't seen him before and Amy Smart was a great partner for him. I experienced that killing feeling of helplessness with them to the maximum. And it scares me just to think that someone would sacrifice themselves for me like that without me ever knowing about it. I even shed a tear at the end. Nice, 4 stars.


Unstoppable (2010) 

English It has a clear beginning and ending. The plot is simple, but it was used perfectly. The scenes feel real and I'm glad for the lack of unnecessarily unwieldy actions. Chris Pine and Denzel Washington are a great duo. And for a movie that takes place only on a train, I really enjoyed it. Most of the credit for that goes to Tony Scott, of course. 4 stars.


Cleaner (2007) 

English The first half of the film can be intriguing. I was surprised by the original story and plot. Then I was even more disappointed by the second half, when the writers didn't use the story properly. So towards the end I felt that the main idea got lost somewhere along the way. And that's a terrible shame. I can't say half a word about the cast. 3 stars.


A Perfect Getaway (2009) 

English This is exactly what I needed! Sitting tensely at the screen, guessing who's who. It's unbelievable how many emotions ran through me during that hour and a half. The cast and the script are above standard. The best people were chosen even for the smallest roles. Despite the pleasant beginning, we get into a mysterious atmosphere that you could cut with a knife. It is only after the denouement, when the cards are laid on the table that the real show begins. Even though the action ending may seem a bit comical, I enjoyed it to the last drop. 4.5 stars.


Mindhunters (2004) 

English The behavior of all the characters got on my nerves quite a bit. But more than anything else I was annoyed by the boy’s blonde hairstyle. And that's not the only reason it sometimes felt like I was watching a parody. A lot of scenes are unnecessarily dramatic and the effects are not very good. Not even the huge amount of obvious effort can save the stupid script and weak cast. This film certainly didn't live up to my expectations. 2 stars.


London Boulevard (2010) 

English The beginning definitely didn't promise anything great. But it picks up decently about halfway through and the ending is surprising. Colin Farrell may fit the role of a big time gangster, but I didn't find him that convincing here. Like many others, I have no idea where he got such huge respect. Of course, it's not Farrell's fault, it's the half-baked script. I enjoyed the wonderful music. 3 stars.


April Snow (2005) 

English This movie tries to express the majority of emotions with silence. Sometimes I felt that the shots were unnecessarily lengthy and a few extra words wouldn't have hurt. But how would you feel after being dealt two big blows in a row in life. Just the thought that something like that could happen is indescribable. But I still couldn't really identify with the main characters' behavior. Even despite the fact that the heroine was played by the amazing Ye-jin Son. 3.5 stars.


The Joneses (2009) 

English Since I didn't read the plot summary before watching, I absolutely didn't understand the first few minutes. But then the lights came up and I started having a great time. Everything rests on an original idea and unfortunately falls flat with a bland ending. But the dramatic plot worked quite well on me and I had to hold back the tears a bit. David Duchovny is always the same, but I guess I'll never get tired of him. Demi Moore is a hottie even at her age. A weaker 4 stars.