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Reviews (1,159)


The Dictator (2012) 

English I don't often reach for crazy stuff like this, but I'm glad I made an exception this time. I had a good time watching an American comedy for the first time in a while. Of course, we all have different senses of humor, which is why our opinions on comedy are often very contradictory. I have only one yardstick – the amount of quality and sincere laughter. And Aladdin made me giggle several times. The ideal running time spared us unnecessary dead spots that have no place in a comedy. Even though I'm not at all a fan of S.B. Cohen, he was quite tolerable here. 4 stars.


Sassy Girl, Choon-hyang (2005) (series) 

English A series that made me laugh a lot on several occasions, and left me quite touched at times. Mong Ryong and Choon Hyang have a totally unique relationship with each other, so it makes for some silly situations to watch that I would otherwise cover my eyes at. The writers, the Hong sisters, have proven to me once again that they have a perfect sense of humor. They really didn't save on negative characters this time, so the plot is quite varied. Otherwise, I like Hee Jae more here than in any of her series roles so far. 4 stars.


Lost and Found (2008) 

English I'm not excited, but I'm not disappointed either. I think the word "good" describes this comedy pretty accurately. I already know most of the actors who played here from other movies or TV shows, and I think I'll continue to remember them under those titles. Because here, they didn't get much of a chance to show what they're made of. 3 stars.


Runaway: Plan B (2010) (series) 

English I may not have been entirely thrilled with the first few episodes, but that changed with each episode. I was ultimately won over by the amazing action scenes, the perfect music, and the combination of Rain and Na-young Lee. Plus, Rain gets better every year. I have to give credit to the other actors, who weren't too far behind, even though the main duo set the bar really high for them. Especially Detective Do and Detective Yoon, whose relationship also won me over. The distribution of genres is perfect, so it might suit more than one group of viewers. As I wrote above, the action aspect is very well done. Ji-woo will certainly entertain most with his many original lines and gestures, and the romance is the golden thread that holds everything together and makes it all make sense. 5 stars.


49 Days (2011) (series) 

English 49 Days has many strengths: beautiful music, enjoyable actors, original plots, lots of great dialogue, and more. But then there are the downsides: some situations are too dramatic (even for Koreans), sometimes you really have to shake your head at the main character's stupid actions, and it might make you bored for a few minutes. Again, I think 16 episodes would have been plenty. A weaker 4 stars.


Welcome to Dongmakgol (2005) 

English I don't know if there is a word that accurately describes the colorfulness of this film. If so, it must be adorable, crazy, and funny. It is definitely the most original military film I’ve ever seen. Yes, like someone else said, you feel like you are in heaven watching it. Yeo-il is magical, the most magical! Without thinking, 5 stars.


Unfaithful (2002) 

English As has already been mentioned, there have been plenty of better movies made about infidelity. But none of them (of the ones I've seen so far) have better described the feelings of an unfaithful woman. I really had a crazy time with her for the first hour. And if I had nothing else to praise, I have to praise Diane Lane's performance. It's a huge shame that the second half lost its purpose and turned out the way it did. It's almost like two different movies. 3 stars.


The Invention of Lying (2009) 

English Apart from it being a pretty good idea I don't see many positives here unfortunately. Ricky Gervais is definitely not one of my favorite actors and I often find him quite unappealing. He doesn't fit the lead role for me at all. And since this film is based mainly on him, there was nothing here that made a good impression on me. Not to mention the half-baked situations, which the filmmakers definitely should have managed. 1.5 stars.


The Best Romance (2007) 

English Like perhaps many others, I was annoyed by the main character's voice. But after a few minutes I got used to it and started to enjoy it. I quite liked Dong-wook Lee here (except for the hair). If I had my way, I'd add a little more romance. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with the script. An enjoyable comedy that had me nearly bursting out laughing a few times. 3.5 stars.


Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011) 

English I feel like I’ve watched something important that enriched me in its own way. A beautifully made documentary that no sushi lover should miss. Meaningful interviews, nice music, interesting content. It doesn't feel commercial, it doesn't impose any opinions, it just gushes over the beauty of the taste.