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Reviews (1,804)


Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012) 

English After the very mediocre Madagascar 2, I approached the third part with a degree of suspicion. However, my fears were in vain. Madagascar 3 was a really brisk, fun and colourful ride. Admittedly, the third installment doesn't have much in common with the original title in terms of location, but so be it. I really liked the songs that were chosen for the soundtrack - “Non je ne regrette rien”, “Time to Say Goodbye” and especially “Firework”. The absolute most unforgettable scene was the circus performance accompanied by Katy Perry's “Firework”, which awakened in me the little and enthusiastic child that is in all of us. The romantic line, strangely enough, really amused me. A solid continuation (and hopefully ending) of one of the most outstanding animated series of the last few years, in which the only things that bothered me were the obvious lecturing (which belongs here) and sometimes Captain Chantel DuBois - but otherwise it was nice.


Brave (2012) 

English Brave is a likeable animated film that offers nothing new apart from the (basic) story, but I still found myself enjoying it. As usual, this film features a lot of didactic nuggets and sentimental passages that are (or should be) meant to educate and impress children, but that's just the way it goes with films like this. On the comedy side, I really enjoyed myself in places - the funniest characters were the "bears" (those who have seen it will understand the quotation marks), the maid and the witch. I liked the animation itself, it was really magical in places. In short, it was a nice and well made animated film that does not reach the quality of Ice Age, Ratatouille or How to Train Your Dragon, but it still fulfilled its purpose: it entertained me and was a feast for the eyes.


Holy Smoke (1999) 

English Holy Smoke is a film that relies heavily on a compelling premise and great performances from Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel. The story itself, however, didn't engage me as much. I found it too drawn out and there were too many dead spots that only hindered the film. In short, a film that takes place in unfavourable looking locations (India and the Australian desert), and which was left with a lot of untapped potential - it could (should) have been either shorter or packed more punch.


The Cremator (1968) 

English The Cremator can be thought of as either a deep psychological thriller or a comedy with the most morbid type of black humour. Either way, it is a high quality film in both respects, one of the best that was made in this country in the 1960s. Rudolf Hrušínský's breathtaking performance is a prime example of how one actor can conjure up an entire film all to himself, and even lead it. His monotonous and to some extent even kindly voice caused me considerable disgust, which kept building up over time. Zdeněk Liška's music is also nothing short of fabulous, especially the main theme with its unforgettable female vocals. In addition, I was impressed by the elaborate production design (Kopfrkingl's apartment and the crematorium), the visual technique of the "fisheye" and the number of bizarre supporting characters. In short, a film that is the ultimate experience that sends chills down your spine and makes your blood run cold in your veins


Magic Mike (2012) 

English Magic Mike is described here as a drama and a comedy, but it doesn't fulfill either genre enough for me to be satisfied with the overall result. On the comedy side of things, I was perhaps most amused by the scene of Channing Tatum like Marilyn Monroe, otherwise the rest were scenes that were more lightly funny, but there were few of them. The serious line of the film also didn't really work, or maybe I'm being too demanding, nevertheless I was expecting something deeper (within reason considering the premise). In short, a film that will absolutely be most appreciated by women and men who get off on metrosexual men dancing in thongs.


Shame (1967) 

English At first glance, Shame stands out for its compelling premise, but paradoxically, the story is the biggest enemy to the overall feel of the film. I found it insanely long-winded, going nowhere and empty. The performances of the actors didn't captivate me either, and I found myself wandering quite often over the erratically changing behaviour of the characters. A film that drags on far too dangerously.


Loves of a Blonde (1965) 

English The Loves of a Blonde is a typical example of Miloš Forman's veristic method of filmmaking. The omnipresent sense of awkwardness and cruelty, the observations, the improvised (and often empty dialogue) between the (non!) actors, the important dance sequences and many other features that are typical of the director. Overall, the plot/story is more intense than in Peter and Pavla, but the director's crowning achievement, which rides a similar wave, remains The Firemen's Ball. Initially, the film was quite slow, gradual, even tedious, something you have to get used to, but the (almost) final bed scene is second to none in this country (and maybe even abroad). In short, a film that, while not perfect, is timeless and stands out for its directness.


We Are the Night (2010) 

English  We Are the Night is an average horror film, in which romantic peripeties also find their place, but it is quite significantly harmed by the lack of any major tension, which I would expect in a film of this genre. There are also no scares or monsters, at all. I do, however, have to commend the cast (except perhaps for the plucky vampire Nora) - I was most impressed with Nina Hoss (Louise) and Jennifer Ulrich (Charlotte). All in all, a horror film that I would call "light" - it's action-packed and has a decent atmosphere, but I just wasn't scared at all (maybe I'm too demanding).


The Woman in Black (2012) 

English Daniel Radcliffe has really been "hurt" a lot by the Harry Potter series in terms of acting. I just didn't believe he was an adult lawyer with a four year old child and a widower to boot. Formally, however, this is a decent horror film with some really good scares and suspense. The story is unremarkable at first glance, but the theme follows the template of other ghost movies, so nothing particularly new. Of the cast, I was most impressed by the Daily couple, who could also be the main characters. In short, genre-wise, this is a good horror film that lives up to its parameters but offers nothing I haven't seen before.


From Beginning to End (2009) 

English From Beginning to End is very similar in theme to the 2005 short Starcrossed, which also depicts an incestuous relationship between two brothers. The latter, however, was more emphatic and emotionally more intense, perhaps due to its shorter running time. From Beginning to End attempts to chart the evolution of the relationship between the two brothers over as long a period of time as possible, and as a result the film is at times boring and feels tedious. I'm not saying that I was bored the whole time, or that the film didn't give me anything, I am saying that more could have been made of it. As for the music, which irritated some users, I liked it. Still, unfortunately, this is a very average film, and the untapped potential is a pity.