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Reviews (2,274)


Savages (2012) 

English To start with a rather naive idyll about a love triangle, entwined in ganja roots. But Stoney couldn’t leave it at that. Visual refinement goes without saying, the bloody brutality of the unrated version (could have been a fuck or two richer) adds a good two stars. Taylor Kitsch downright found himself in his role. Del Toro plays the biggest possible asshole with obvious delight and Travolta landed another fine role. The action scenes are right up there with the best, old school quality. Another picture like that, but with a better screenplay next time, please. P.S.: The cellphone ringing tone with “Three Blind Mice" is annoying, but pleasing. Please don’t kill me, I have three young children.


Argo (2012) 

English A precise picture. Ben leaves nothing to chance, unlike the Yankees on this operation. He knows very well what he can and can’t get away with. It’s not such a blockbuster as for instance The Town, but even so, Argo is pretty original, ingenious and historically accurate. Ben’s acting is rather dry, not attracting attention to himself (maybe a bit of a shame), but he’s still cool. In terms of acting, no problems with this movie. De-restricted material about how some non-existing dumb sci-fi saved lives will shut the mouths of people who badmouth sci-fi fantasy movies for being irrelevant. Argo is one of those irresistibly cheap combos of Star Wars and John Carter that has something to say to people in this century too. A bit of a problem is contrasting sprightly Hollywood (still with the old, tumbledown sign - the period accuracy is spot on) and Iran where a city-slicker hangs from the crane by his necktie. In any case, it’s a quality genre movie and I can’t wait for another movie with Ben. Argo fuck yourself.


Deadfall (2012) 

English An outstanding cast, fairly ordinary scenery. Eric Bana enjoys playing a bad guy and you just have to root for him, Olivia is wonderful here and everybody else’s acting is just great. The story certainly isn’t predictable, but it’s sort of... nothing out of the ordinary. The message is nothing new, just that blood isn’t any thicker than water. But positive impressions dominate. Thumbs up.


Cloud Atlas (2012) 

English Daring and spectacular. The Wachowskis and Tykver have pulled off a great feat by linking together this jigsaw of stories and themes. The actors in all different types of roles have something to pay (I was very pleasantly surprised by Tom Hanks) even under a ton of makeup. The story seems occasionally to trip up in places. The absolutely senseless, farcical escape from the nursing home by the senior citizens really disrupts the killer’s gripping hunt for the nosey journalist. A bit like the music of a sextet, Cloud Atlas has little to offer. And honestly the melody didn’t seem to me to be at all rousing. Of all of the timelines, I liked the last two the most. These, the suspense and a certain mysterious element best balanced to the overall message of the picture.


End of Watch (2012) 

English A sincere movie about police work. Ayer doesn’t make movies otherwise than excellently. A series of various raids, crowned by the final massacre, boyish squabbling and family. Don’t expect anything more from this story. On the other hand Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña make a perfect team. Form here has undergone extensive change. POV shots bring everything closer to reality (even though as such they aren’t very realistic) and wonderfully spice up these fajitas. The cool soundtrack helps too. Full marks from me. I am a consequence. I am the unpaid bill.


Sinister (2012) 

English Mr. Boogie and his collection of home movies, like “mowing the lawn" and “barbeque" in action. A wild soundtrack, then primarily an excellent atmosphere and a twist for all mystery fans. The couple of references to Stephen King are also very fine, the same applies to the actors. Ethan Hawke acts precisely in between nice guy/madman who never gives up and his wife and kid are also really fine. The high point of the picture of course was watching the movies filmed on Super 8. P.S.: The extended version is sometimes seriously better than the original.


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) 

English A depraved picture that will seem even weirder when they release Spielberg’s Lincoln later on this year. The digital action scenes like where the bad guy throws a horse at Abe, or when the steam engine explodes are so “OTT" that they are entertaining, while the rest is a waste of time. The hero has no charisma and the only thing interesting about him is his shooting ax.


Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) 

English An optimistic slant on the end of the world. A jolly voice on the radio at the beginning announces that humankind cannot be saved, and that the shuttle carrying Bruce to drill into that evil rock in Armageddon has blown up. So begins the journey of the main character who meets other characters who each react to the end of the world in their own way. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes very serious, sometimes utterly dumb. Mainly thanks to Keira, the romantic finale goes really well. But this movie won’t appeal to many. It successfully manages to miss all target groups.


Skyfall (2012) 

English My first movie with new eyes. And straight away such a feast for them, the camera is a chapter in itself. Skyfall is a first-rate Bond, character development is textbook quality, wonderful locations, the action is easy to follow and far-reaching, the villain flawless. Bardem follows in the footsteps of iconic bad guys, but the personal bond with the main characters makes him into something more. The part in China brings in the exotic aspect that always made Bond movies so popular. Conversely, the return to Britain and the final shootout is very down to earth, going to the roots of the myth that the last scene again resurrects. I might dare to say that this is perhaps the best Bond yet. What a waste of good scotch.


Brave (2012) 

English A fairytale for moms and their daughters. Entertaining, playful and visually engaging Irish buffoonery with family values as a bonus. The overall conception reminds me more of a Disney movie than a Pixar “go get ‘em movie, slightly different again" movie. The teddy-bear style of the story adds to its cuteness, but shows narrative structures already seen. But still, it’s a pleasant watch. Brave is a must for girls both little and big.