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Reviews (2,273)


Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) 

English A fun cartoon, full of references to old sci-fi movies of the 1950s. The story is a mixture of various crackpot ideas (typical examples of this are the heroic president and his keyboard, red buttons and the wonderful B.O.B.) and how a daydreaming girl becomes a woman. The invasion of aliens is really just a catalyst for the events that follow. What annoys me is that in the movie theatre I was robbed of the original voices (Bauer and House M.D. in a movie together!) and even though the Czech dubbing was pretty well-done, I look forward to watching it on DVD in English. E.T. GO HOME!


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) 

English I enjoyed most of the sixth Potter (despite the guy in front of me who was farting throughout, I’m not kidding!), or rather that applies until the movie reached the end and I was literally disgusted by what the screenwriter was doing (from the point where Harry and D return to the Hogwarts). I haven’t see a more bungled finale in this series yet. Certainly Yates gets the maximum out of this, but that means that, differently to in the book, the characters behave illogically and everything seems a little slow. The finale in the book was as tense as a guitar string. Surprising, logical and maybe the best that Rowling wrote. Where is the big battle, where is the inevitability? Wasted words. It’s completely different right from the start. The story takes off a amazing speed and if it weren’t for the rather exaggerated love interest (they only included that to lighten the mood a little) I would be happy with it. I really liked Jim Broadbent’s Slughorn - he was just right for the part and more than satisfied my expectations. Otherwise, it’s a classic, but maybe Tom Felton and Alan Rickman were more striking than last time. In the end I’m giving it 4 stars, even though it was rather lame this time. P.S.: At home we have exactly the same water glasses as the ones that Harry, Hermi and Ron drink the butterbeer from at the Three Broomsticks.


Any Given Sunday (1999) 

English I don’t know the rules of American football, I don’t watch it and I don’t support any club, but this movie has a magic about it. Stone obviously had fun making this, because he serves us up one director’s delicacy after another. Additionally, the action is excellently filmed and the dialogs are so powerful that electrons were jumping out of the screen at me. Also, Al Pacino gives one of his best performances and his stirring speech for the final game is one of his most unforgettable. + Cameron Diaz plays the perfect bitch. + A great soundtrack, mixed excellently to fit the movie.


View from the Top (2003) 

English I laughed, but at the naivety, the clichés and whether anyone could take this film seriously. Fortunately, it's quite bearable to watch thanks to Mark Ruffalo and Gwyneth Paltrow, but miracles come in other forms.


Pohádky o mašinkách (1985) (series) 

English An excellent sleep-time series and one of my childhood favorites. I always liked trains and they get up to marvelous tricks thanks to Zababa the Warlock.


TRON (1982) 

English When I was small and I saw Tron for the first time, I used to wake up from nightmares where a computer had just disintegrated me, which shows clearly that this movie definitely isn’t for kids. Now, years later, I can appreciate how clever, well-thought out and mainly original the idea was. By the way, yesterday I saw an excerpt from the next part and it looks really fascinating. I look forward to it.


The Longest Yard (2005) 

English A super comedy with impressive action scenes. Sandler rocks again. The whole gang of criminal footballers is simply excellent. And, surprisingly, that applies to Chris Rock too, who isn’t at all annoying, but in any case here he is treated as he usually deserves to be in other movies.


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) 

English I hate people. I’d like to help the Decepticons destroy that gang of worms that call themselves human kind. Movie theaters always used to be a place to escape from niggling reality, an oasis of peace and quiet where nobody spoke and let themselves be carried off to fantastic places with the help of a projector and a silver screen. But to conclude, so we can get on to the movie. If I meet that jerk who was spitting in my hair and talking about what was going to happen in the next scene once again, I’ll rip out his eyes and tongue. But, let’s get to the important things. Revenge is a full-blooded action popcorn movie which is slightly brought down by the unnecessarily intricate mythology (which is full of holes anyway). It would have helped if it had been a little briefer. In any case, the action is excellent and mainly it’s less confused that in the first part. The fight in the forest is unbeatable. The finale is nice and completely over the top with loads of robots, where the only downside it that the movie pays too little attention to them. Bay simply wanted to do everything at once, but it wasn’t really worth it (well, in money terms it was actually worth it, but I didn’t mean that). It’s still effective, but it isn’t how it should be. As for the actors, Shia is cool, his character is split between two images of Sam - a poor student with typical problems and a veteran who has some experience behind him - and he pulled it off with flying colors. Moreover, both he and John Turturro were the only ones with really good snappy lines and their scenes together are the best parts of the movie (apart from the FIGHTS). And Megan Fox is foxier than ever. I just hope that in part three they manage to balance the ingredients so that it could rock like it did before. P.S.: Optimus is awesome.


Crank: High Voltage (2009) 

English The first Crank second time around and so maybe a little lamer in my opinion. It’s missing the initial surprise that Taylor and Neveldine stuffed into something that I thought would be a traditional action movie. High Voltage takes the same concept and drives it to the edge of a cliff. And often beyond that. There’s no shortage of original ideas and even though they are completely twisted, I bet you that you’ve never seen the like anywhere else. P.S.: I’m quite intrigued what your average Linkin Park fan (or groupie) would say to seeing Chester Bennington in a movie like this. I can see their long faces right now. Hee, hee.


The Whole Nine Yards (2000) 

English Man, that Amanda Peet is foxy... but back to the movie, it’s a fairly original idea to tell a story about a neighbour who’s a serial killer. It’s also nicely thought-through and the actors enjoy their roles. Perry of course is standard Chandler, but Bruce really savors it. Natasha Henstridge is nice to look at and I’ve already talked about Amanda. A pleasant surprise.