Prime Video - Streaming

Prime Video

Streaming from 14/03/2021  
Streaming from 12/03/2021
Streaming from 11/03/2021


Streaming from 10/03/2021
Streaming from 07/03/2021
Streaming from 05/03/2021
Streaming from 04/03/2021


Streaming from 28/02/2021
Streaming from 25/02/2021
Streaming from 23/02/2021
Streaming from 21/02/2021
Streaming from 19/02/2021


Streaming from 18/02/2021
Streaming from 17/02/2021
Streaming from 16/02/2021
Streaming from 14/02/2021


Streaming from 12/02/2021
Streaming from 11/02/2021



GoldbeaterI Care a Lot(2020) 

This movie has an imaginative subject matter, a likable cynical approach, and a great plot. However, disappointment soon comes. With such a strong concept and edgy heroine, it is a complete shame that the filmmaker… (more)

RemedyI Care a Lot(2020) 

It hasn’t happened to me in a long time that I've had this much trouble rooting for a character in a movie. Because the problem here is the lack of any "character" in the good sense of the word. Besides, the way the… (more)

NecrotongueI Care a Lot(2020) 

The opening monologue appealed to my cynical side, so I was looking forward to a movie that would be right up my alley. At first, it seemed that way. But the filmmakers obviously overestimated their abilities. As time… (more)