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GoldbeaterThe Fall of the House of Usher(2023) 

Well, Flanagan disappointed me here. I have read all of Edgar Allan Poe’s work, and “The Fall of the House of Usher” is quite possibly my least favourite. This miniseries, however, has nothing of Poe's aesthetic, it… (more)

DaViD´82Body of Lies(2008) 

Syriana in a more commercial guise. In comparison, Body of Lies is easier to understand, more accessible to the general public, but at the same time no less relevant, it’s pertinent not dumb at all and the acting is no… (more)

IsherwoodBody of Lies(2008) 

I came away from this two-hour conversation film, which cynically glosses over the current tense situation in the Arab world, and occasionally, as if unwittingly, jumps to some good action sequences, knowing I was going… (more)