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MattySullivan's Travels(1941) 

“With a little sex in it.” The forth of Preston Sturges’s eight comedies released in rapid succession, Sullivan’s Travels doesn’t conceal the fact that its maker was one of the first screenwriters in Hollywood to work… (more)

IsherwoodThe Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human(1999) 

Yes, Sperminator is brilliant and Carmen can awaken the lowest male instincts, but that’s where the positives end. Vladimír Čech's commentary occasionally provides a nice catchphrase, but the rest is a boring romance… (more)

JFLReturn to Oz(1985) 

Whereas some of the celebrated children’s movies that have become cult classics, such as The Peanut Butter Solution, now exhibit certain dramatic stumbles and it is necessary to squint one’s eyes to bring their loosely… (more)