Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 24/06/2010  
Streaming from 22/06/2010


Streaming from 21/06/2010
Streaming from 20/06/2010
Streaming from 19/06/2010
Streaming from 17/06/2010
Streaming from 16/06/2010


Streaming from 14/06/2010
Streaming from 13/06/2010
Streaming from 11/06/2010


Streaming from 10/06/2010
Streaming from 09/06/2010
Streaming from 08/06/2010
Streaming from 07/06/2010
Streaming from 06/06/2010


Streaming from 04/06/2010
Streaming from 03/06/2010



KakaThe A-Team(2010) 

It's very action-packed, occasionally funny, but mostly sterile and not very entertaining. Liam Neeson tries his best and some moves remind us of his famous Taken, but unfortunately, this is somewhat different. If A… (more)

POMOKnight and Day(2010) 

Knight and Day could have been a hit in the 1990s, but today this movie feels like something of which Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a fresh remake (and not just because the main couple has sex in it). James Mangold manages… (more)

ZízaKnight and Day(2010) 

These two are absolutely wrong for each other, plus I find her extremely unlikable (but honestly I wasn't paying attention, so I didn't look at her cute little face that much). He's also not high on my list of cute guys… (more)