Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 01/11/2016  
Streaming from 30/10/2016


Streaming from 28/10/2016
Streaming from 27/10/2016


Streaming from 26/10/2016


Streaming from 25/10/2016


Streaming from 23/10/2016



gudaulinDoctor Strange(2016) Boo!

The unfortunate thing is that Doctor Strange is essentially innocent in all of this. Derrickson tries his best what he has, and the actors - and there are quite a few stars among them - want to earn their salaries.… (more)

IsherwoodDoctor Strange(2016) 

The refuted skepticism that this cinematic sect has nothing more to offer doesn't make me scream with excitement. This is because the Doctor becomes a magician as if by a magic wand being used, and he also loses a lot… (more)

MarigoldDoctor Strange(2016) 

The euphoric feelings of utter ecstasy from the experienced perception of space-time that I had expected from Inception came a few years later. Of course, the size of the vision and the sovereignty of the processing… (more)