Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 27/04/2017  


Streaming from 26/04/2017


Streaming from 25/04/2017


Streaming from 24/04/2017
Streaming from 23/04/2017




EvilPhoEniXGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2(2017) 

The sequel to Guardians of the Galaxy is more or less in the same vein as the first one, but it doesn't bring much new. It's decent fun no doubt. Drax and the raccoon are the funniest again, Starlord is a bit bland and… (more)

novotenGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2(2017) 

Marvel has secured its standard at the turning point between the second and third phases of its immense universe. The solo films have their own power, humor, and clear goal, while the team movies aim higher with their… (more)

kaylinGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2(2017) 

Exactly what I was hoping for. There are plenty of pop culture references and nods within the Marvel Universe. All the great characters from the previous installment are present, along with a few new ones that I hope… (more)