Disney+ - Streaming


Streaming from 08/11/2020  


Streaming from 07/11/2020
Streaming from 06/11/2020
Streaming from 04/11/2020


Streaming from 02/11/2020
Streaming from 01/11/2020


Streaming from 30/10/2020
Streaming from 28/10/2020
Streaming from 27/10/2020
Streaming from 26/10/2020
Streaming from 25/10/2020


Streaming from 24/10/2020
Streaming from 23/10/2020



3DD!3The Mandalorian - Chapter 9: The Marshal(2020) 

A classic western opening using Fett as a lure. Favreau succeeded in increasing the budget and makes a bow to Dune. There are more special effects and they a done better. It doesn’t move forward much in terms of story,… (more)

KakaThe Mandalorian - Chapter 10: The Passenger(2020) 

A bit self contained episode about a cave full of spiders, but Reed manages to film it in a very suspenseful style so that the viewer doesn't get bored. There’s very little shift in the plot, but there’s a lot of eye… (more)